Lockdown in Corona Times
7th May, 2020

I've lost count of all the days and nights
I'm trying to study with all my might
I face-time with my friends to be in touch
Trying to make the most of the new normal as much

Every morning I make sure to pray
And then positiveness fills my day
Playing and studying is what I mostly do
Sitting and watching Netflix while I chew

Online schooling is the new trend
But nothing can compensate meeting my friends
Play and fun that we have at school
Along with following all the set rules

This pandemic is an enemy to us all
It does not allow us go out especially to the mall
Now all the pollution has vanished and gone
But we still can't go out and run in the lawn

Our whole world is facing a downside
But all the trees and plants are blooming outside
This invisible enemy has ruined our lives
But the lucky bees are enjoying in their hives

Food and water we need to share
For each other we have to care
I think of God with all my heart
Soon we will all meet and never part

Let's make our planet a better place
And not destroy it more by the human race
We'll work together and give our best
Reviving Mother Earth east to west

This epidemic is a thing we will always fear
But don't worry! We will make sure it doesn't come near
We will fight this virus and wipe everyone's tears
So that it can never come back to haunt us in the coming years.

By Avanti Chopra 5C

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