If not now, it shall never be
21st April, 2020

As I wait,
for my students to come online.
I realised,
Life underwent a paradigm shift,
in a very short time.
Are we a victim?
Is it our own creation?
Or maybe,
It's the human burden on the planet,
in manisfestation.

It's also been a paradigm shift,
Infact for all non-humans,
on this planet that exist.
Now, with birds chirping,
and flying very swift.
Fresh air and blue skies.
This time for them,
truly seems to be a bliss.

Its time we rise,
above our binding beliefs and faiths.
Its time we rise,
above our futile social displays.
It's time we rise,
Keep blinding politics, religion at bay.
Its time we rise.
Else, humans will be in complete disdain.

Life's not good outside,
It's time we search within.
Reflect, introspect,
with our true selves be in sync.
This seems to be a signal,
from nature and existence.
It's time we heal humanity,
Else, it will only be in reminiscence.

If not now, it shall never be.
It's time we make a difference,
with nature we live in coherence.
We must act now with perseverance,
else we will be,
challenged for our very existence.

It's high time we realise,
and be on a cleansing spree.
Awaken our conscience.
Relearn to be human.
Revitalize humanity.

A Poem by Charu Johar (Science Teacher)

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