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Our Vision

We at Vasant Valley School believe that each child entrusted to us will receive education in its finest form. Learning is a life-long process and all students and teachers are challenged to exceed their own expectations. This is a holistic experience that synergises the growth of mind, body and spirit. We nurture and prepare generations of individuals - the torchbearers of tomorrow who believe in the strength of their own convictions and take pride in being Indian. They will work together in the spirit of Global Citizenship. Our work in school shapes the future and no constraints shall daunt us.


We at Vasant Valley believe that education is a preparation for life, that it is an enjoyable, interactive ongoing process. It equips students to be thinking, caring and confident young adults. We are committed to developing citizens who are aware, sensitive, open minded and creative. Our objective is to inculcate a positive attitude, to imbibe social and moral values, to encourage originality and to develop a sense of national identity as well as global citizenship. Our goal is to produce children who raise questions, form independent hypotheses and develop an inquisitive mind.


The emphasis at Vasant Valley is on learning and not on teaching. In order to realise this vision we have created an ambience where children want to learn. Knowledge is not just imparted but students are trained to experiment, collate information, draw inferences and to arrive at their own conclusions. We believe that real learning comes from doing things, taking the knowledge thus learnt and applying it in other situations.

The Multiple Intelligence Theory

In Vasant Valley we recognise that children have many strengths that must be inculcated, reinforced and used to develop a balanced personality. The working day at Vasant Valley School is long and our class strength is small. We use this longer working day and an excellent student-teacher ratio to implement the Multiple Intelligence theory as developed by Howard Gardner, which recognises different types of Intelligences. Our teachers reinforce not just Linguistic and Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in each individual child but also, Bodily-kinaesthetic, Spatial, Musical, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Intelligences.

Integrated & Inter-disciplinary Curriculum

Our children see the relevance of what they are learning in real-life situations. So our curriculum apart from classroom teaching, integrates practical work, field trips and project work. A trained college counsellor advises the senior students about their college / career options. There is a summer training project in school, where class XI students work for two moths in corporate houses in order to gather valuable work experience. At the same time sufficient importance is given to the CBSE board examinations and to training for various entrance examinations that children will need to clear to join various colleges and professional streams after school.

Value Inculcation

This is also an integral part of our philosophy - caring for others, for the environment around us and for the good of the country is not "taught" but is built into the curriculum of every subject. Our Special Section for students with disabilities has grown out of this commitment to society, as also our extensive Outreach programme. The students are also deeply committed to the protection and conservation of the environment.