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Vasant Valley Family

The Students

The Staff

Pastoral Care

Parent School Interaction

Other Parent School Communication

The Special Section

Vasant Valley School was started in 1990 by the India Today Group.

The Students

Children join the school at the age of 3+, and will spend fourteen years in school. Vasant Valley children spend a year in Foundation and one year in Nursery.
There is a maximum of 30 children in a class. This ensures that all children get individual attention from the teacher. There are no ability based teaching sections. Children of different levels of abilities and different types of abilities are all integrated in a single class - this includes the children of the special section. Academically gifted children have "extension cards". Academic excellence awards are given to students for consistently high levels of performance through the years. Slow learners have remedial classes. Children with specific subject learning problems use the private study time to clarify their doubts from the teachers.


The Staff

Ms Rekha Krishnan is Principal, Mrs Sharmila Bakshi - Head of Senior school, Ms Mona Datta - Head of Junior School, Ms Shushmita Mita - Head of Speacial Need.

In Vasant Valley School the senior and junior sections are closely integrated. Though many of the systems in the two sections are quite independent, most teachers of the school are involved in activities or classes in both. The school is also divided into various departments, such as Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Physical Education and so on. Each has a Head of Department. Thus the staff maintain a link of continuity between the two sections. There is no aspect of Vasant Valley School that functions in isolation.

With more than a hundred and fifty staff members for around thousand children, Vasant Valley school has an excellent student-staff ratio, ensuring personal attention for each and every child.

All teachers teaching academic subjects have a degree in education, apart from a graduate degree in their subject areas. Most of them hold Masters degrees as well. Those teaching non-academic subjects too are well qualified in their fields of specialisation. However, every teacher who joins the school undergoes an orientation in order to imbibe and enhance the Vasant Valley culture.
Very regularly, leading experts in various fields spend time interacting with the staff and students in the school for short periods or on a part time basis to help the school broaden its vision with the help of their expertise.

The office staff who handle administration and accounts too have a very close and informal interaction with the students and teaching staff.
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Pastoral Care

All members of the staff are responsible for the social and emotional well being of the student, irrespective of whether she is teaching the child or not. In the junior school, the class teacher is always with the child be it the Performing Arts room or in the science lab. Very often along with the class teacher, there is another teacher also with the students. The student knows that the class teacher is always accessible to her.

From class 6 onwards the class teachers take a step away from the child in order to help her to form her own relationships. This is essential for the development of the child to a young adult. However each class has in addition to a class teacher a co-class teacher. This enables teachers to have greater one-to-one contact with the students to understand their motivations, needs and problems.

If a child should feel unwell after coming to school, a qualified nurse is always available in the fully equipped sickroom to take care of her. Of course, for serious complaints the children are taken to a nearby hospital.

A tutorial system begins from class 8. Each child is assigned to a tutor. The tutor is always on the child's side and she is there for the child to consult and confide in. The tutor is also expected to discipline the child if the situation requires it. The tutor keeps track of her tutees progress over the year - she signs the grade cards and the monthly reports each month, she is present in formal meetings with parents whenever her child is being discussed.


Parent School Interaction

Parents are encouraged and expected to play an important role in the school life of a Vasant Valley student. Parents can come in during Open House Times to meet the staff and discuss the progress of their children. These meetings are for brief routine discussions.

For more detailed discussions, parents or teachers can always fix an appointment any day of the week. Formal meetings are held with the parents, class teachers, tutors and all the students of the board classes (Classes 10 and 12) to discuss and plan academic charts.

School reports are sent home to parents regularly. These reports give parents detailed feedback and analysis of the performance of their children.


Other Parent School Communication

  • Class X and XII individual meetings
  • Tutor's communication
  • Individual Meetings on Request
  • Class meetings twice a year
  • School Diaries
  • School Circulars
  • E-mail School Newsletter
  • Telephone calls to/ from parents
  • Letters from teachers / heads to parents


The Special Section

The Vasant Valley School Special Section has been the pioneer in the growth of Inclusive Education, in a country, where recognition, acceptance and resources for educating children with additional needs is an emerging trend. The Special Education Needs section has grown out of our commitment to society and the vision to provide the best resources to all children. We believe every child is dynamic and can actualise their potential with the appropriate intervention and support. The school provides services to children with developmental and learning disabilities between the age of 5 years and 18 years.

Each child receives support from a trained special education teacher, within the mainstream classroom. Apart from remedial support and necessary modifications and adaptations to the academic curriculum, each child receives Occupational and Physical Therapy according to their individual needs. The School has trained full time Occupational and Physical Therapists. Speech and Language Therapy is also provided. We have specialised services for children diagnosed with Dyslexia.Curriculum planning is done through an Individualised Education Plan which covers all aspects of development : cognitive, physical, social-emotional and communication. Children with additional needs access the school's non academic curriculum with support and participate in all school activities and events.

The Principal of the school, the Heads of School and all teachers are involved in and responsible for the successful integration of students with special needs.
