
Class III at Dumdama Lake 

My Trip to Dumdama Lake   - By Rahil Puri

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The Beautiful Hills

My name is Rahil Puri. I am 8 years old. I study in Vasant Valley School. My school arranged a trip to Dumdama Lake for us. We left school by bus. When we got to the lake we crossed over by boat to the camp site where the tents were pitched. On our first day at camp, we had great fun settling into our tents, exploring the place and playing with all my friends. In the evening, we fished and sat around a bonfire and played 'antakshari'. At night we crawled into our sleeping bags and fell sound asleep.

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It's my turn next                                                                 The bitter taste of Neem

The next day, Sunday when we woke up it was freezing cold. After breakfast we went trekking to the Aravalli Hills where we also had a treasure hunt. In the evening around the bonfire, the Class 4 students put up a show for all of us which was great fun.


On Monday, we went trekking and rock climbing to a village which took us forty seven minutes. We watched the potters working and some of us were lucky to be able to make something on the potter's wheel. The people in the village were kind to enough share their roti's with us. They were delicious. The last night of camp, class three, which is our class put up a show for the rest of the camp.

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We are tired now, but it is fun to be together

On Tuesday when we woke up we were all sad because we knew that this was the end of a lovely camp. We got into the bus and said "Goodbye Camp and Hip Hip Hooray FOR VASANT VALLEY!

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