
Class IV at Damdama Lake

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The boating on the lake is fun                                                             An arduous trek led us to the village of Abhaypur

The Scary Night  - By Varun Sood (IV C) 

It was a dark full moon night. Jackals were howling from the hills. Our teacher was telling us a true ghost story and all of us were shivering. 

Aditya saw a small white mouse and its eyes were glowing. He started to shout "A MOUSE! A MOUSE!!!" We all got up and Ma'am took my sandals and tried to kill it but it ran away. Then we continued with the story but Aditya was looking around for the mouse and not interested in the story. After some time Aditya saw the mouse and started to shout again.  

This time ma'am was ready to kill it like a murderer and she took my sandal and WHAAM! Ma'am hit it and it died. We all clapped and gave ma'am applause. Then Aditya was happy it died.

 The ghost story was mainly about spirits and ghosts and they all come out on full moon like that day. We looked outside the window and saw the mouse then we looked at the moon and saw something white moving through the air, I wondered what it was then Ms. Raha said it’s the spirit of the mouse!!!

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We played carrom, table tennis, golf and volleyball                     The skilled village potter presented us with his creations

