
Class V at Sultanpur

CAMP DIARY  - By Deeksha Gujral

20th November 1999, Saturday

 Dear Diary,

 At camp we had a marvelous time. It began on Saturday. We were to reach school at 9.30 a.m. I woke up at quarter to nine, full of excitement. I quickly got ready and said good-bye to my parents. The, I went to pickup my rucksack. It was so big that it came to my hips. I left at nine. We reached just in time. Everyone had taken off their bags and put them behind the bus. I did the same and got into the bus. In the bus we sang songs and shared our snacks. We reached Sultanpur in one and half hours. We were to stay at Ms. Bhasin's farm. We walked to the farm and found out that we had to carry our bags so we turned back and got them.

 We played outside for two hours and then chose our bed and lunch was served in a while. We got rajma, rice, cauliflower and chappati for lunch. We played for the rest of the day. In the evening we had a bon-fire and we sang songs. Then we had dinner and went to bed. I went to sleep soon.


                                                                                                                          Yours sincerely

                                                                                                                        Deeksha Gujral

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Future Civil Engineers                                                                         Flying High

 21st November 1999, Sunday

 Dear Diary

 I got up bright and early in the morning. I went to my bag and got out my brushes, paste and mug. I went outside with Malini and Cauvery to brush my teeth. There was a big bucket outside in which the water was. I filled my mug with water and brushed my teeth.

Afterwards, I decided to explore the farm. I went to the field with Mallika and from there we saw eight tents. We went to see what they were and we found out that they were pit toilets.

We played for an hour and had breakfast. After breakfast we played till 10.15 and then we left for the bird sanctuary. We reached at eleven. We walked around but saw nothing but a crow, a sparrow and four nilgais. Then we were given a choice. We could either complete our walk or we could go to the playground. There, Ms. Sarkar gave us water colours to paint trees with. It was mostly only the girls who painted because the boys were playing soccer. We left at 1.30 p.m. and reach back at 2.00 p.m.

We got back and had lunch. After lunch, Sakshi and Gayatri decided to borrow Mr. Dutt's music system and dance with it at night. Sakshi got it and put it in our room. We then went out to play. In about half an hour, two people came. They were supposed to keep us entertained. We could either use the potter's wheel or we could spread a mixture of clay and 'bhoosa' on the walls. I made a pot and set it out to dry. I then went to help the other group. I helped there for an hour and then went out to play.

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Later, we made a bon-fire, put on our woolens and sang songs. This was one of the best times of the day.

Afterwards we had dinner. We were getting excited for it was the day we had borrowed the tape recorder. We scrambled into our rooms and waited till all was quiet. Then we turned on the music, ate popcorn and danced. While we were dancing lights kept going on and off and so we kept our torches on. It was like a real disco. At 11.30 p.m. the lights were turned off and we went to sleep, tired but happy.

 Yours truly


 22nd November, 1999, Monday

 Dear Diary,

In the morning, I woke up changed and went out to play. We played with Mr. Dutt's Frisbee. Soon breakfast arrived. We ate our food fast and Cauvery, Malini and I decided to go for a walk with Mr. Dutt. We played Frisbee and ball. We were out for an hour or two and everyone was getting worried. When we got back everyone got calm again. We then had lunch.

After lunch we painted the wall we had covered with clay. We only had red, green or yellow. When we finished painting the wall we could either paint our pots or we could put rangoli on the floor. I did both. I finished quickly and went out to play.53.jpg (21266 bytes)

Soon the sun set and we gathered around the bon-fire. Then we had dinner and went to bed. 

Yours truly


23rd  November, 1999, Monday

 Dear Diary,

 I got up as pleased as punch for I was beginning to miss my parents and we were going back that day. I quickly got ready, brushed my teeth and got my rucksack ready. I then went out to play. Soon we ate breakfast and went to put our bags in the bus. When we got back, Ms. Narang made us claim some lost things. Then we did some painting and went for a walk.

In an hour we ate lunch and then we carried our bottles and made our final trip to the bus. The bus left and we sang songs all the way back to Delhi.

 Yours truly

