
Class VI at Byassi

Class VI : Camp at Byassi   

By Simrat Duggal

A riverbed camp, the outdoor adventure Camp India at Byassi was a sandy beach with scenery as beautiful as anything in heaven. The river Ganga was flowing in slow rapids and next to the riverbed was an eddy (a calm stretch of water). The sand on the beach was fine and whitish grey. Of the three days we were away, the first day was spent in travel. We arrived at our camp at about 4.00 p.m.

As I took the trail down to the valley, I could smell the smell of river, the sand and the fun that we were going to have there. At night when we had our food, we sat in the parachute (a tent type place without side walls) we sat and ate as well as chatted. That night we were divided into two groups according to tents and we were told whether we were going to go trekking or river rafting. My group was to go trekking.

The next morning we were welcomed with glasses of hot cocoa and later with breakfast. At about 10.15 a.m. we left for our trek. It started 2 kilometres down our ramp at the bridge in Marine Drive. On the opposite end of the bridge we visited a mandir in the village Malacuti, which had stalactites and stalagmites. Then our trek started. The trek was 5 kilometres long and half of it was uphill. When our trek finished we went on rowboats to the opposite side of the river. Then we walked to the bus. When we arrived back at the camp we took dips in the eddy and then had lunch. In the afternoon and evening we just played around. The next day, we were to raft.

The next morning was the same, cocoa and breakfast. At around 8.50 a.m. we left to raft. The starting point was 30 minutes away from the camp. Once there, we were taught important strokes and commands. Then our 8 km raft started. Our fist rapid was called Initiation / Certain Death. It was a No.3 rapid. The next rapid was called Double Trouble. Two rapids considered as one. Then we saw the Laxman Jhula, a suspension bridge. After this came Rishikesh, Hill Turn the third rapid. Then came the time for dips. I had two. The water was freezing! Finally we came to our last rapid, Goodbye/ Conclusion. I was sad to see the rafting end and also that we were going home.

After a good night's sleep we woke up, had breakfast and got ready to leave. It was a good experience, and we wished it did not have to end.

 The Fashion Show Followed by a Sleepover.

by Tara Brara (VI A)

 On the 23rd night, it was Alisha Berry's birthday. I remember Ms. Oberoi had just had a personal talk with her about some thing. She was practically in tears when she returned to our tent but she refused to tell us what had happened.

It was then that Alisha had a perfect idea … a fashion show! But it will be no fun with just the 4 of us" complained Malvika. "Lets invite other tents," I shouted. How wonderful, a fashion show with children from other tents! Just the thought of it made me jump with delight!

Nitya, Nikita and Ragini were the judges. The first round was 'catwalk'. Everyone was at her best. Even the judges could not decide whom they should choose.

After about 1/2 an hour, when the 1st round was over we started our 2nd round… the question round. All the participants thought the questions were rather boring… and so they were.

In the end Rhea won followed by Medha in 2nd place. They were very happy. Then everyone made an unhappy face. They had to get back to their tents. Just then Alisha went outside the tent. She said she was going to the toilet but we could see the mischievous grin on her face.

Alisha returned with news that was simply GREAT! She had taken permission from Ms. Oberoi who had finally agreed on letting 10 other children sleep in our tent.

"This is my best birthday" Alisha declared.

"This is our best birthday party," we all said simultaneously

"Lights out" said Ms. Bakshi

And everyone fell asleep immediately.
