
Class X at Sattal

by Meghna Sethi

Saattal, a hill station in the foothills of the Himalayan region was where the class 10's went for their adventure trip this year. This is a Lake District of the Kumaon Hills and lies below Nainital. This green, lush, mountainous region has seven lakes and hence the name 'Saattal'. There is a rail connection to Kathgodam for Saattal, which is what we took. We reached Kathgodam in the early hours of the morning. A short bus journey from the station took us to our campsite.

On your arrival, the beauty of the rolling bills strikes you and makes you realize how far you actually are from nature. We live in the city, surrounded by concrete and plastic, everything is so artificial. Real beauty exists, and when you see it you realize how moribund your life is. Kayaking, rock climbing and swimming are just some of the things we did. Along with them there was a trip to a waterfall, village hunting, treasure hunt and treks.

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We went Kayaking in a lake near our campsite. It looked scary at first, when we were being given the demonstration, but once we got into our Kayaks, we just didn't feel like getting out. Rock climbing was an activity, which I'm sure every one did and enjoyed. A 10-12 feet rock was our target and everyone was successful in climbing and rappelling back down.

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A small walk down a narrow path was worth the trouble as it brought us to a most spectacular lake. This was where we swam. People, who had come, not wanting to swim ended up changing their minds. The water was too tempting and enticing. The water was pretty cold but holding our breaths we jumped in and had a gala time.

The waterfall was just fabulous. This time it was a long walk through thorny bushes and down very narrow paths, hut once again worth the trouble. To sit directly under the fall was a wonderful feeling. The water falling upon your back was very relaxing. The sun made the experience even better.

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The camp instructors had also organized, a village hunt, in which every group was victorious. Then we also had a treasure hunt where we had to find cards hidden around the camp and then answer a mind-boggling riddle.

There were also two unforgettable treks we were taken for. The first was a night trek to a lake the locals believe is haunted. Sticking together, perspiring in the cold of the night, everyone moved towards the lake in silence. It was a full moon night, what more did the camp instructors want? As we sat near the lake, people kept hearing sounds and imagining things. There were some who were trying to scare others and who also managed to do so while there were others who were trying to comfort their friends who were dying of fear. On the whole it was a different experience which many won't forget.

The morning trek to an ashram was a totally new experience. The walk was difficult, as it was uphill all the way to the ashram. There was a group right in front always moving and never ready to stop and of course there was a group at the back always wanting to rest and moving up very slowly. There were those in the middle too who were not going too fast but managing well. As we moved higher the trees cleared and we had a wonderful view of Nainital. A lot of people didn't come for the trek and then regretted their decision when they were told what a wonderful spectacle they had missed.

Along with these activities we had volleyball, badminton and cricket. We challenged the camp instructors to a game of volleyball and cricket. Cricket we won but volleyball wasn't that easy, but nevertheless it was a whole lot of fun.

Every night we had bonfires. Everyone sat around it singing songs and making music. Mr. Price kept cracking his jokes in between trying to make people laugh. Pratik and Jitten cheered everyone up every night by singing one of their favourite songs, 'Mar Dala'.

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Meal times were fixed and the food was good. Everyone used to be famished by dinner after a long day of so much excitement and activity. Bedtime was 9:30, but voices could be heard long after that. The weather was also good, though the nights became quite cold, but if you were well clad the cold wouldn't bother you. It is when we go to places like this that we understand the true meaning of nature. The fresh air, the clear skies and the kind people - everything is so different, the way life should be.

On the whole, the trip was excellent. Every day was an unending stream of enjoyment. It was a wonderful experience and a very memorable one.
