
Trip to Nahan-Renukaji-Rajgarh-Nohradhaar - Ambala

In April 2000 Mr. Kapur invited the students of Class XI to submit a proposal for a project, which would be sponsored by him.
Six students-Nikhilesh S. Chand, Harsh Mehta, Aditya Basu, Sanil Dhadwal, Akshay Jain and Rishabh Rath submitted a proposal for an eight day trip to Nahan, Renuka lake, Rajgarh and Ambala.


Day 1
0715 -              Assemble at New Delhi Railway Station
0740 -              Depature for Ambala via Kalka Shatabdi.
1000 -              Arrival at Ambala.
1145 -               Departure for Nahan.
1345 -              Arrival at Nahan.
1600 -               Diving.
1830 -               Medical Check-up
2030 -               Dinner.

Day 5
0630 -                       Wake up call.
0745 -                       Breakfast.
0830 -                       Departure for Rajgarh.
1200 -                       Arrival at Rajgarh.
1300 -                       Lunch.
1330 -                       Departure for Nohra Dhar.
1430 -                       Trek.
1630 -                       Departure for Rajgarh.
2030 -                       Dinner.

Day 2
0500 -            Wake up call
0615 -            Warm up
0645 -            Obstacle Course
0900 -            Breakfast
1130 -            Abseilling, Rapelling
1400 -            Lunch
2030 -            Dinner

Day 6
0700 -                       Wake up call.
0900 -                       Departure for Nahan.
1230 -                       Arrival at Nahan.
1330 -                       Lunch.
1430 -                       Departure for Ambala.
1800 -                       Arrival.
2030 -                       Dinner.

Day 3
0730 -               Wake up Call.
0830 -               Breakfast.
0930 -              Departure for Renukaji.
1100 -               Arrival at Renukaji.
1130 -               Nature Walk.
1700 -               Departure for Nahan.

1900 -               Visit to Nahan town.
2100 -               Dinner

Day 7
0630 -                       Wakeup Call.
0800 -                       Arrival at Air Force Station.
1230 -                       Tank Ride.
1430 -                       Lunch
1900 -                       Departure for Drive in 22.

Day 4
0730 -               Wake up Call.
0830 -                Breakfast.
0900 -                Trek to Kala Aam.
1700 -                Departure for Nahan.
2030 -                Dinner.

Day 8
0630 -                       Wakeup Call.
0800 -                       Breakfast.
0900 -                       Departure for Delhi.

DAY 1 (May, 2 2000) Tuesday

We assembled at the New Delhi Railway Station at 07:15 hours. We left for Ambala by the Kalka Shatabdi at 0740 hrs. By 10:00 hours we were in Ambala.   We reached Col. Chand’s residence within in 10 minutes. After resting for a while we left for Nahan, 70 kms. from Ambala at 1145 hours. The beauty of the heights fascinated all of us.
At 1345 hours we reached Nahan where we were greeted by Havaldar Bhanwar Lal who showed us our rooms and gave us a brief lecture on ‘the do’s and don’ts’ of Camp.

Our rooms were comfortable. At 15:30 hours Captain Rathi, gave us some insructions about diving. At 15:45 we left for the diving tank. All of us climbed to the top of the top of the concrete walled tank and listened to the whole process of SCUBA diving. Two people demonstrated the process while one told us all about the apparatus which weighed 17 kg. All of us thought twice about diving into a 15-meter deep tank with 17 kilos pulling you down. But, when the instructor told us that due to buoyancy the weight if the apparatus would actually be one kilo!, we felt relieved. We dived and practiced breathing only through the mouth, even though there was a clip to close the nose. The water was really cold so diving could be real fun. After this all of us had a medical check-up. At 2030hrs. we all retired for the night.

Day 2 (May 3, 2000) Wednesday

Day began at 0500hrs- we were supposed to report for a warm-up session at 0600 hrs. Since we were late by  5 minutes  we were sent for a round of the entire field as punishment. After that we jogged along the hilly mountains for a kilometer in the chilly weather with Hav. Bhanwar Lal to begin the Obstacle course. Here we met two demonstrators who showed us how to go about this course. During the first obstacle itself three of us,Nikhilesh, Sanil, and Aditya got hurt while jumping off a concrete bar 7 feet in the air to what seemed like soft ground. It was followed by the Horizontal rope cross, the Ditch cross (where Akshay injured his right ankle), the Tunnels, Wall climbing with rope, the Tyre and Chain Jungle Gym cross, the Steel bar steps cross and finally the Under Barbed Wire slither.
The horizontal rope cross-comprised of a rope attached to two poles, which had to be crossed by lying on them in a certain way. The ditch cross is described best by its name. The Tyre and chain jungle gym was one of the most challenging obstacles. At 0900hrs we had our breakfast .The next was slithering which was to literally slide down from a helicopter against a rope with no security below or with a harness. This really frightened us which and us decide against it. So, we went for rock climbing on an artificial rock wall. It was fun untill Aditya got stuck suspended 7mts in the air with the harness squeezing out every living cell out of him!! This was followed by rappelling down a wall before finally going back to our rooms for some rest. All very thrilling indeed; we ate and retired for the night at about 2100hrs.

DAY 3 (May 4, 2000) Thursday

Day three began on a happy note, as we were to visit the serene environment of Renuka Lake, which was 45 kms. further up from Nahan. We reached Renuka Lake at 1100 hours.
The fascinating lake thought to be 60 mts. deep was studded with ruby like lotuses and surrounded with lush green trees and grass. The water was very clean as a result of which all life was clearly visible like turtles eels and beautiful fishes. It is believed that, when viewed from a height, the lake looks like goddess Renukaji. Then we set off for a 5-kilometer walk around the lake. At the other end of the lake there was a mini zoo. We saw bears and lions all at close quarters. All of us were stunned by the majesty of these benign creatures. The magnificent beasts were let loose in their vast enclosure and unlike the cramped, half dead creatures at Delhi zoo they were roaring away in glory. Their huge bodies and beautiful manes stunned us all.
After having lunch we went for boating. After this we noticed some stairs leading to a makeshift cove where hundreds of fish gathered. We learnt that tourists fed them some atta; this was a thrilling experince, we also fed them. After this we visited Renukaji temple, which was close by and started for Nahan at about 1630hrs. After resting for a while we went left for a visit to the town.

We saw the palace of the Sirmaur kings, the artificial lakes; once beautiful but now filled with tadpoles. These lakes were for the pleasure of the queens. We learnt about the Gorkha conquest of Nahan and of its troubled history.
After our historical sojourn and a visit to the temple we started touring the nearby shops. Most items were of phenomenally low prices; a sari for Rs 40, a blank tape for Rs 20., Songs recorded on a cassette for RS 2 per song, a tennis ball for Rs 10, a full size cricket bat for Rs 200, slippers for Rs 23, etc…
After returning, we had dinner at 2030hrs. Just as we retired it began to hail.  It got worse when we found that the common door to the rooms (which was only made of wire mesh) was letting in enough rain to flood the area. But it was the last straw when we got to know of a leak in the roof! The thunder, lightening and rain thrilled us.

DAY 4 (May 5, 2000) Friday

On the 5th of May we were supposed to go for a trip to a small lake for water sports. Unfortunately a major setback encountered us when Capt.Rathi told us that the demonstrators were not available. Capt. Rathi, gave us two options: either we go for a 40km trek with 30kg on our back or visit a place called The Black Mango Hotel about 17 km down hill and then relax a couple of hours there before coming back. Not very surprisingly nobody wanted to trek 40km with 30kg. Thus at about 0900hrs we all set out for Kala Aamb Hotel with swimming trunks in a bag and 10 liters of water! When we reached there at 1240hrs, we were all drenched in sweat. The long walk downhill made us hot in the head and sore in the feet, more so as some of us were injured. The only things that kept us company were one person from the cantonment and the walkmans we had. In the end were all very tired indeed and rested for half an hour before diving into the small pool. At about 1430hrs we had lunch at the hotel and by 1630hrs we were on our way back to Nahan. We made a call to our parents, which made us homesick for a while. Thus we all set out to the shops close by to get tokens for our parents and siblings. We had our dinner at 2030hrs before retiring at 2130hrs.

DAY 5 (May 6, 2000) Saturday

Day 5 turned out to be the day when we would travel to the highest point in our journey. It started when we all left for the city of Rajgarh with Hav. Bhanwar Lal. It was a very long journey as Rajgarh is 8000 feet above sea level.  We reached there by about 1230 hrs. We rested in a PWD guesthouse where we rested for a while.  We reached Nohradhar to find ourselves amidst a few houses and some shops on a road between two mountains. Hav. Bhanwar Lal lead the way up a mountain as we began our second trek of the trip, with some of us still injured. It took a trying one hour twenty minutes to reach the top of the hill but the spectacular view urged us to move on. Soon it was time to go back to Rajgarh.  It was very cold that night but we had ample number of blankets and clothes to keep ourselves warm.

DAY 6 (May 7, 2000) Sunday

On this day we traveled the most by road from Rajgarh to Nahan to Ambala where we were to stay for the evening. We left Rajgarh at 0900 hours and reached Nahan at 1300 hours. We took our luggage, had lunch and then relaxed till 1430hrs before we finally bid Nahan goodbye. We reached Col Chand's house at about 1600hrs. On the way back to Ambala we again stopped at Hotel Kala Aamb to have some ice cream and play chess.

DAY 7 (May 8, 2000) Monday

This was the last day of our visit and turned out to be one of the most eventful. After having breakfast at 0730hrs we all set off in a gypsy for the Ambala air station at about 0745 hrs. However there was a problem in getting the permit and for the greater part of an hour we moved to and fro from the Base Ops (The Command Center of the base).  When Mr Prahlad Singh came out with our permits there was some problem again as the purpose of the visit was written as: PICNIC!!! This was also sorted out in a little while.After finally getting our permit at 0910 hours we were lead by Mr Singh to the ATC Centre of the station. It was a small but very vital component, which took care of all weather situations at the time of taking off, flying of the landing of an aircraft. There were thousands of instruments to measure various weather related things.
Later we visited the Bird Killing Department, which is quintessential for the air station.
What we found rather funny was their motto – “Our mission is to kill birds.” We met Flight Commandant Gokul who first gave us information about the planes of India, Pakistan, China and the USA before showing and explaining every aspect of a Jaguar, which was on the tarmac. It was quite spectacular to see the numerous the cockpit gadgets and the Jaguar taking off and the fantastic streamlining etc. In the background we could see and hear the booming of Mig-21's, Mig-27's and Mig 29’s, which were taking off and landing. At about 1200hrs we left for a tank ride. An officer escorted us to the tank which was in a large field and then told us all about the tank, its parts and its weaponry system which could cover 5kilometres within 1.7 seconds!!! After all of us explored the tank a tank driver was called for and we were taken for a 15-minute tank ride around the field, which had a lot of slush on it. It made a pounding noise and let off a lot of poisonous exhaust. We decided to leave and return to our respective rooms for a much-needed rest at 1430 hours, ate our lunch and went to sleep.
At 1630 hours we left for the Army Sports Complex close by for swimming in a T-shaped, double Olympic sized swimming pool which ranged from depths of 4 ft to 26ft!!! It was quite a lot of fun even though some of us had cramps and didn’t do much. All of us returned to our rooms at about 1830hrs. After a little while we decided to leave for a restaurant Drive in 22 to end our very exciting trip with a bang. It took us 35 minutes to reach there. We had our dinner and were back by 2230 hours we all had a good meal and went to sleep.

Photgraphs from the trip

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