Women, women, women…the situation for us poor souls here in Vasant Valley is like the 'water water everywhere but not a drop to drink' situation. The female mind is not just esoteric…but to understand it is almost impossible. But still, for the betterment of our lovely ladies, we shall try.
One big misconception they have is that they are superior to us, a belief that's stems from an intrinsic and deeply rooted inferiority complex within them. The underlying phenomenon behind their thinking is that they consider showing their almost uncontrollable adoration for the VV male a sign of weakness. Thus in an attempt to mask this complex, they resort to their favourite and only pass-time…degrading the Vasant Valley Male. This is something you'll never catch a male doing (degrading the women), since we are all for equality and consider the situation that the females have brought about a complete farce. Not only is it farce, it is also an attempt to gain sympathy for themselves from women outside school. "Aww, how sad. The men in your school are such creeps…" or something to that effect.
So, what exactly is it that this cryptic species wants? A simple man they say. Rustic and non-materialistic. Now to prove to you the falseness of these lines and the hypocrisy of these women. Vasant Valley has enough simple and non-materialistic males. But these males are obviously not 'cool' enough for out fastidious females. It is truly amazing how they choose to completely ignore these rustic males. Who do our lovely female counterparts 'hang out' with? When they throw a party, who gets invited? The Answer: The Typical Vasant Valley male, the 'coooool' Don of the alcove. So, when talking of the simple village man they claim they want, they are in fact talking trash.
The problem is deep rooted. Neither of us is a trained shrink, so we do not offer any ready-made solutions to it, however we do have an analysis to offer.
There are basically two reasons for the queer behavior of the ladies we associate with, as far as we can see.
1. The first of these is the subconscious inferiority complex that the ladies suffer from. The nature of the complex has been mentioned above. The cause of the complex remains uncertain. It could be prior rejection or alienation, or a variety of other factors. Though the cause remains hidden, the problem lies in the complex itself and it is an issue that we suggest be dealt with at once.
2. The second and perhaps the most significant reason would be the fact that these lovely ladies are in denial. The problem lies in their inability to accept reality. Their inability to accept the fact that we, the men in their lives, are objects of universal desire. They have unlimited interaction with large numbers of highly desirable men and they have been overwhelmed by it to such an extent that they have led themselves to believe that they are no longer attracted to us. They have not been able to acknowledge our virtues, not been able to show generosity in defeat. Ladies, you must realize that although you might not have what it takes, in reality you are never better off simply by undermining the virtues of others.
The more we write, the more complex and beguiling the issue gets, and the more we feel out of depth. Clearly none but experienced and well trained psychologists and psychiatrists will be able to deal with the situation. Perhaps the school should look into the problem and invite Dr. Sanjay Chugh or some one to help out our damsels in distress. On the other hand, if they were to accept that they need help, I am certain a number of gallant knights will be on hand (from the VV male fraternity itself) and more then willing to provide whatever assistance maybe required.
Ladies please. This is not an attempt to take revenge after your rather comprehensive belittling of the virtues of the Vasant Valley male. We would never lower ourselves to such trivialities. Unlike you we CARE and therefore this little piece to help you lovely ladies to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE OR THE COLOGNE OR WHATEVER IT IS THAT WE LEAVE BEHIND AFTER US.
So please, pay heed to our humble plea, shed your petty little 'issues'. Break free from the shackles of contempt that inhibit you and keep your true feelings latent. Rise up from the depths of despair and herald the new dawn, the dawn that sees the VV male and female march together into the future, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, for together, we can be beautiful.