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Vasant Valley School Village Interaction
29th April, 2016

Vasant Valley School is partnering with the Government School, Jhanjraula , Haryana to give students in both schools an opportunity to experience each other's daily environment. First group of participants from Vasant Valley school left for Jhanjhraula on Friday 29 April 2016.

First lot of students participating in this program 29th April, - 1st May, 2016

7A Tarika Lowe
7BYasho Madhav Bhartia
7C Kavin Bhatia
8A Abhay Kumar
8B Simran Singh
8C Ameya Singh
9 A Tanvi Singh
9 B Asmita Shah
9C Harnoor Singh
12 Arvan Kumar

10 children along with two teachers embarked upon a village visit to Jhanjhola in Haryana State. The 3 days 2 nights was filled with amazing blend of activities from visits to the local schools, playing rural games, walking in the agricultural land, watching wildlife grazing in the fields and participating in the daily chores of the house. Basically it was a glimpse of rural life in Jhanjhola.


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