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Government School, Janjhraula Visit Vasant Valley School
28th July, 2016

Today, 28th July, 2016, 11 students of classes 7 and 8 from the village of Janjhraula visited our school for the second time. This was in continuation of our visit to their school last week. They arrived at around 11:00 am, and spent the rest of the day with us, in various classes, doing various activities. It was an enriching experience to be interacting with them. Though shy at first, they soon got used to the Vasant Valley environment.
Everyday they do the Suryanamaskar in the morning. They came from a hotter area, and since it is always a blessing to be away from the scorching sun, they definitely found the weather here better.
On sharing ideas, we got to know of their varied interests, expectations from life. While some of them loved Maths, others preferred Hindi, the library of their school being their favourite part.
Much like us, they like to sing songs while getting bored, and even draw. They also spend their free time playing games like Kabaddi, Badminton and Kho Kho. We look forward to another day of interaction and bonding with them.
Vedika Bagla 8 B

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