
Finland Exchange Programme
23rd August to 2nd September, 2017

The exchange programme to Finland was ten days long. These ten days weren't just about two schools, these ten days crafted an unforgettable experience where we all truly learnt something new about ourselves and the world. On this journey we evolved to become Global citizens of tomorrow.
From walking through the narrow alleys of Old Town, Tallinn, to feeling the winds brush past on our faces as we sat, sceptical, on a rollercoaster in Linnanmäki. This trip had it all.
The difference between the education systems was a real eye-opener. from the artistic classrooms to showcasing real life applications of theoretical concepts - it all seemed so different for something so similar.
Staying with our Finnish hosts allowed us to exchange cultural ideas and experiences. As we got to know each other better we formed unbreakable bonds. We immersed ourselves in the local way of life in Helsinki, with bicycle rides and by using public transport, we found ourselves with a new perception on life outside of India.
All in all this trip enabled us, as students of Vasant Valley School to broaden our horizons and understand the true meaning and value of education.

By: Ayaan Sagar, Suhana Gupta and Yuv Arora
Class: 11

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