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An Exchange Programme With The Students Of Finland
28th February - 3rd March, 2017

After the trip of Vasant Valley Students to Helsinki last summer, a group of 24 students from Finland came to our school on the 28th of February for the exchange programme, which lasted for 4 days.

On the first day they were greeted with Indian parathas, followed by a learning experience in Indian Dance, where they grappled with different steps, postures and feet movements. They attended a multitude of lessons including Political Science, Economics, Biology and Art. They even made beautiful ''dupattas' in the Tie and Dye hobby. Amidst attending all these lessons, the students also witnessed a Just-A-Minute competition in which a few students took part and Doris, won first place! Finally, they visited Kingdom of Dreams and Dilli Haat to experience the diversity of culture in India and also some Bollywood fantasies.

This programme not only allowed students to become acquainted to Indian culture but also allowed their Indian counterparts to learn more about life in different parts of the globe.
- Aditi Singh

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