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Visit to Government Middle School, Jhanjhrola by the students of Vasant Valley School
14th May to 16th May, 2019

10 students from Vasant Valley accompanied by two teachers went to the Government Middle School, Jhanjhrola for the Interactive Program from 14th May to 16th May 2019. Our students were excited about meeting their buddies from the Village School.

The students of the village school had planned a lot of activities for their buddies. Our students attended the classes on 14th and 15th May with the students of Class 7th and 8th. They enjoyed all the classes which were very interactive. Two Inter School sports competitions were conducted, Kabbadi match and Kho-Kho match. Vasant Valley team won the Kho-Kho match and the Government school won the Kabbadi match. Competition for Rangoli and Mehndi were also held. The teams were a mix of Vasant Valley students and students of the Government school. The village school students enjoyed the combined dance class act too. Our students visited the house of their buddies, attended panchayat and had fun travelling on the tractor while visiting the fields.

Overall it was a wonderful experience for our students and their buddies.

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