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Visit by the students of Middle School, Jhanjhrola
7th & 8th November, 2019

As a part of the Jhanjhrola Village Interaction Program, fourteen children from the government middle school assisted by a teacher visited Vasant Valley School on 7th and 8th November, 2019. As soon as they reached Vasant Valley School, each one of them was paired with a buddy student from class 7 who had earlier visited the village in October 2019. The Jhanjhrola school students attended regular classes with their buddies. In order to make them understand and enjoy the learning process, Mathematics and Life Science lessons were conducted in Hindi. They actively participated and thoroughly enjoyed the classes planned for them. Art therapy became a medium to begin interaction through a ritual of greeting each other and was followed by a response to stimuli - clapping game.

The children played a game where the two teams became the prey (deer) and the predator (lion). The rationale behind conducting the session was to prepare them against bullying amongst children. This was followed by a discussion on the harmful effects of bullying. The children discussed the circumstances in school as well as home where they feel uncomfortable. The session was concluded by celebrating the healthy state of a deer - through a dance performance by the students.

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