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Class 9 Interaction with Shri. P.K.Sen - An Insight into Conservation of Flora and Fauna of India
12th September, 2020
An Insight into Conservation of Flora and Fauna of India On 12th September, the students of C9 got an opportunity to imbibe first-hand information from Mr. P.K. Sen, the former director of Project Tiger. He gave us an insight into the working of the project, shared his experience and knowledge, and also talked about the other wildlife conservation programs that the government is implementing. He talked about the importance of biodiversity, its conservation, and helped us understand our role in the world around us. Giving us a background of the status of conservation of flora and fauna in India since independence and before, the talk was an enlightening one and it gave us the chance to grasp knowledge about the concepts we have been studying about. It was an enlightening experience for all of us. On behalf of the students of Class 9, we greatly appreciate the talk and are thankful to Mr. Sen for taking out the time to talk to us. - Khushi Juneja and Ruhan Kumar