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Citizen's Science
4th March, 2014

The Citizens’ Science program was started in Vasant Valley School, with the idea of demystifying Science and taking it outside of the classroom and the laboratories.
As consumers of Science we need to explores science in its various dimensions with an emphasis on understanding its value in everyday life, beyond the confines of text books and classrooms.

The first lecture in the series took place on 4th March, 2014. The speaker was Dr. Shashibala Singh, Director, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, DRDO.

Dr. Singh addressed the students as the future citizens of the world emphasizing on the importance of setting a goal and working towards achieving it. She also spoke about the research work going on in the different laboratories under DRDO. She presented a brief account of the work being done by scientists to elevate the lives of soldiers of the Indian Army, especially those posted at high altitudes and in the desert on the western frontier. It was a great learning experience for the students and the teachers.


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