
Visit by Michelin Chefs to Vasant Valley School
Monday 17th September 2012

What can you do in twenty-seven minutes? Apparently for the Michelin starred chefs who visited our school on the 17th of September (Marcello Tully, Laurie Gear, Anjum Anand, Frances Atkins and Ian Curley) the options are limitless, even when handed some of the most basic ingredients available in a kitchen pantry.
Each chef was ‘assisted’ by a team of three students and I was granted a once in a lifetime opportunity of cooking with one of these legends; Ms. Anjum Anand. She uses bold flavours but seems to connect them all in perfect harmony, while at the same time focussing on creating simple and hearty food. We cooked two dishes together: French toast with caramelised apples and a penne carbonara, in my opinion putting up the best of the dishes. So, I guess with her it isn’t just ‘Indian Food Made Easy’, its ‘everything made great’.

Ashrant Kohli
