Vasant Valley School Celebrates 100 Years of New Delhi

Happy birthday Delhi

On 12 December, 2011, we celebrated a 100 years of Delhi being the capital of India. From the time of the British raj when king George 5 declared the capital of the empire from Calcutta(Kolkata) to Delhi in 1911to today's independent India, Delhi has truly gone through a lot and today we have learnt a lot about it. Mr. Kaura shared with us today his views and of course a whole lot of history about Delhi's past, present and future.
We were delighted that Mr. Kaura took out time for us from his busy schedule to come and talk to us about our city and the duties and responsibilities given to us to protect and preserve our rich heritage.and we surely agree that Mr. Kaura's talk has made us more aware about our city Delhi.

Aryan Drosario and Aryan Verma

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