
Senior Boys Inter House Cricket
10th May, 2018

Red House Vs Green House
Red House won the match by 9 runs.

Man of the Match : Dhruv Chauhan for his 49 runs
Best Bowler : Samanvay Chauhan for his 6 wickets
Best Batsmen : Amay Gupta for his 100 runs
Player of the tournament : Shaurya Bharadwaj for his 120 runs and 6 wickets

Red House Team:
Shaurya Bharadwaj, Shaurya Vardhan, Mahin Bharadwaj, Satvik Lochan, Aryan Bakshi, Dhruv Chauhan, Shrijeet Kolley, Rohm Tandon,
Siddhant Sharma, Panschul Singh, Aiman Ghai, Didar Rebello, Ransher Manhas, Davansh Gupta and Manveer Singh

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