Mathematics  Project



Class:9                                              Date of submission :9th July 2010


General Instructions: 

-          The project should be hand written in about 5 A4 size sheets

-          Credit will be given to original and creative use of material/pictures/drawings/methods of illustrating

-          The project must be presented in a neatly spiral bound A4 size folder.

-          Your last page should contain annotated references and bibliography


Assessment of the project work:


Research work done


Analytical ability


Application of Knowledge


Procedure adopted



Presentation Style


                                                              Total  :  



Any one of the following projects may be chosen


  1. Importance of measurement in our life. Systems of Measurement.
  2. Vedic methods of Addition, subtraction multiplication and division.
  3. Life  sketches and work of Mathematicians with important incidents in their lives

(i) Author of the famous book “Lilavati”(ii) The mathematician whose name was associated with the first Satellite launched by India(iii) The “Father of Geometry”

















1.      Measurement in our life:  


Objective :  To understand the need for of measurement in our life. To study the       different Systems of Measurement and relations between them.


Find out why we need measurements.

What were some of the methods used by earlier civilizations to measure length, area, volume, weight .

What are the modern day systems of measurement of measure length, area, volume, weight .

How do they relate(Convert from one system to the other). 

Results and findings are to be organized as separate units in your project .


 2. Life  sketches and work of Mathematicians


Objective: Gaining knowledge of the work and lives of some mathematicians.


Find out who was the (i)Author of the famous book “Lilavati”(ii)The mathematician whose name was associated with the first Satellite launched by India

(i)                  The “Father of Geometry”

Find out and write a brief Life  sketch of each of them

Find out and write the important work in Mathematics done by each of them

Results and findings are to be organized as separate units in your project


3. Vedic methods for basic Mathematical operations

Objective: Gaining knowledge of Vedic methods for basic Mathematical operations.


Find out where in our scriptures do these methods appear.

 When did India first start using these methods.

What is the Vedic method of (i)Addition (ii) subtraction (iii)multiplication and (iv)division.(You should be able to explain these methods)

Write examples for each

Results and findings are to be organized as separate units in your project