Multimedia Project on Organic Chemistry


You are required to make a Multimedia presentation on a topic related to your chemistry course that links Chemistry with Technology, Society or the Environment. This will be done in groups of 2 or 3 students.


Listed below are some topics one of which you may choose for your presentation. You may also choose a topic of your own that is not in the following table, provided that it can be linked to one of the chemistry course units.



  1. Air Conditioning coolants and the environment
  2. History of TNT and its chemistry
  3. Toxicity of Organic Halides
  4. Mustard Gas, then and now
  5. Methanol as a fuel
  6. Non-systematic names of common organics
  7. Diabetes and Ketosis and Acidosis
  8. Animal Skin Tanning and tannic acid
  9. Optical Isomers especially in medicine (example: Thalidamide)
  10. Propane refrigeration
  11. Aniline Dyes, chemistry and uses
  12. Lactic acid buildup in athletes and its chemistry
  13. Aspirin and the Stomach Wall chemistry


Your presentation must conform to the following guidelines:

  1. The presentations should be made using Microsoft PowerPoint
  2. It should comprise of text, graphics, animation and sound
  3. A voiceover can be incorporated in the presentation.
  4. The presentations must run on their own – team members will not be allowed to manually play the presentation. You would need to time the slides for this. The maximum time limit of the presentation will be 3 mins.
  5. You should include a title ‘page’, with your topic title and the names of all group members
  6. There should be one slide that contains a short one paragraph description of your topic (this is often called an ‘abstract’).
  7. The presentation should have a minimum of 10 slides that contain the information for your topic. Use the slides to organize your information into sections.
  8. A final slide that acts as a reference section/ bibliography that lists all of the sources of information you used.


Your presentation will be assessed on the basis of the following parameters:

  1. Content and factual knowledge of the topic
  2. Use of software features and the effective use of Multimedia features
  3. Aesthetics of the presentation
  4. Communication skills