Adventure Camps 2010

CLASS 7- Chakratta

Adventure Camp –Chakrata

 As the buses creaked and haulted at the entrance of our home for the next 4 days, Camp Snow Lion, Chakrata, Dehradun, we got off eagerly to explore the campsite. It was a large space with a picturesque view of mountains and valleys. We then chose our tents hurriedly wanting to settle down after this long journey. Though not long after, we were called to assemble in the open area. We were divided into 4 groups and were to choose a name for our group. This was followed by a set of several activities one after the other which seemed a bit hectic after being worn out. There was a bonfire too where we were to perform, but I must say we weren’t really enthusiastic about this. We wounded the day with a quick dinner and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Next morning we were woken up at what seemed the crack of dawn, though the sun was nowhere in sight. On our second day we were entertained by different games and activities. After the sun set we went up the mountain to search for ribbons of different colours using our torches, a map and a compass. We kept in touch with the camp instructor using a walkie-talkie. This was a fun activity and I fancied it.  According to me the highlight of this trip was the third day ----

WATER SPORTS!!!! We went rafting, kayaking, body surfing and river crossing in the rocky and stony Yamuna! In the raft we had some S.O.S. situations where two paddles floated away and our raft was stuck on a boulder! Some raft members including, me, almost fell into the river! River crossing was fun, though we had to bear the freezing waters of this river. After all this we had lunch at Dark Pathar Camp, another camp organized by Snow Lion. We ended the day with an early dinner, as we were departing for Delhi early next Morning.

On leaving camp the next day, I did feel that I’d miss it, but I was happy to return to Delhi, to home.

Avanti Divan - 7A



3 March 2010-I had been eagerly awaiting this day for many weeks. It finally dawned and we reported to school at 4:45am. This year we were travelling half the journey by train which was a new experience for us since all our previous outings had always been by road. We reached our destination by 2:30 in the afternoon. Chakrata, a picturesque hamlet is located at 5,500 ft above sea level. It was freezing, so much so that the organizers had to distribute wind cheaters to us. The next excitement was bagging our tents with our friends. That done we were sorted into our groups for the rest of the trip.

Day 2- Began with a flurry of activities. Our group started with a lesson in Archery.  This was a brand new sport for me and required much expertise and practice. Next we were introduced to a new game called ‘Spider’s Web’ which was challenging yet quite interesting and fun. Then we were rushed into Rock Climbing where we felt ‘on top of the world’. Rappelling was our next activity, where we had to scale a 90 degree vertical wall. I found it an exciting and brilliant activity which we all thoroughly enjoyed. After lunch, we took part in team activities like ‘tug of war’, ‘tribal chief’ and ‘A frame’. That evening each group went into the woods for the ’Cheese Hunt’ where we had to find ribbons to earn points. It was a combination of daring fun and work and our group succeeded in finding the maximum ribbons.

Day 3- The day was spent on and in the water. We were taken for rafting, kayaking, body surfing and river crossing to the Yamuna. Rafting down the freezing water of the Yamuna was a memorable and exhilarating event as we got stuck in the rocks many times.

Day 4, Return Journey- We drove down all the way from Chakrata by bus to Delhi. Even though the bus journey was tedious we were victorious and tired.

How three days passed we never realised, among all the activities and fun. This is definitely a trip I have stored in my memory album of memorable trips and camps.

-Serena Nanda 7A.

Camp ‘ Misty Heights’


As the night sky peeled away and morning arose,  I got ready expeditiously and left the house with my bag and baggage. When I reached school, I excitedly made my way through a crowd of parents waving to their children.

I got into the bus just in time to meet all my friends. We put our bags in the trunk of our bus. We took four seats in the centre of the bus and made our way to the Delhi railway station. Our euphoria grew by the minute as we boarded the Dehradun Shatabti express, the murmuring between groups of friends, graduated into boisterous ruckus.


After a three hour journey our arrival at Uttarkhand, was greeted by much relief! A few buses at the station awaited us, which we boarded with inherent exhilaration. Singing songs, anticipating all the adventurous activities we reached our camp at Kalsi. After unwinding and familiarizing ourselves with the ambience, we were summoned for group divisions. “Black Diamonds” was my iniquitous groups’ name. We lost to Green in the tug-of-war match.


We were awakened by our camp instructor at 5am the following morning. An action packed day it was, rappelling, rock climbing, spider web and archery, almost like training to be a “demi-hero”.


The next day was even better! Rafting down the Yamuna, river crossing, Kayaking and body surfing, water activities to the hilt!

Officially the last day of the camp, after having tea the following day, we drove down to join class 4 camp ‘Dak Pathar’ for breakfast.


The bus ride to Moolchand where we had lunch was as noisy as an engine without a gasket. After lunch we proceeded back to school.


As we descended from our respective buses, I realized that the vociferous lot had completely lost their voices and would now be condoned to sign language, may we our larynx rest it peace!


Gurbani Kohli 7A

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