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10th May 2002 - Page 2



Eight students of our school from class IX participated in an interactive workshop with students in the Environment and Adventure School, Kirkland, Washington State, U.S.A. This workshop was organized by the company Digital Partners whom we interviewed earlier. The students were Farhad Colabawala, Simrat Dugal, Arnav Sharma, Nitya Vaishnavi Singh, Vrittima Wadhawa, Malvika Menon, Sharan Alva and Manavi Bhardwaj. 

An interview:
Vasant Valley Today: What was this program about?
Arnav: This was basically an interaction program where we conversed and exchanged opinion and information with students from a school in U.S.A. via video conferencing. 
Simrat: Over a period of four months we interacted via e-mail until we had this video conference. 
VVS: What activities did you perform during the program? 
Nitya: We did presentations on various subjects, casually chatted and exchanged profiles and pictures. In the process, we entered discussions that gave us a better understanding of their daily lives. 
What did you discuss?
Vrittima: We spoke about our cultures, educational systems, and life in school. 
Arnav: We discussed some of our local delicacies too. They were especially intrigued by chaat and bhel puri. 
What did you learn from this program?
Farhad: We no doubt benefited a great deal, yet it seemed that they learned a lot about our lifestyles that would have been unlikely but for this program. Simrat: What impressed us was that they took the pains to prepare a presentation on India's land and culture, but unfortunately, we could not view the whole presentation.

VVS: Given another opportunity would you attend this workshop once again?
Nitya: Definitely!
Vrittima: Without a second thought! 
Farhad: This was a great experience where we given the opportunity to interact with children on the other side of the globe... the experience was made more vivid due to the use of the modern technology.

Amaan Raj Khanna
Shivan Marya
Class XI

In the past two weeks the non government organisation Mobile Crèches has been coming to school to speak to the class XI’s about the importance of Social Service. It is a necessity to give back something to community and what better way than to work with an already established organization. Mobile Crèches works with laborer's children on construction sites. You can help out by either going to a centre and interacting with the kids or by helping out in the office. These summer holidays it is a good idea to do some quality outreach work, and an great way to do that would be by working with Mobile Crèches. To contact Mobile Crèches talk to Varun Garg of the outreach council in class XII-B . 

Contact Numbers:

Email Address:

Varun Garg
Outreach Council

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