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12th July 1999 - Page 3




give peace a chance

A bunch of M I T dropouts, their love for music and inspiration from two philosophers – a brief summary of the mysterious band we all know as Pink Floyd. It all started with Syd Barnett and David Gilmour, two MIT dropouts, who decided to divert their lives into a world of music. Floyd and Anderson Pink, two great philosophers in their time, provided inspiration for the two – hence, the name Pink Floyd.

The bands music, unlike everyday melody we keep hearing, enraptures the listeners attention. It has enough power in every note to keep you glued to your seat and crave for more. Listening to Floyd, one is exposed to another dimension in music…a dimension rarely offered by other musicians.

A combination of lightning fast guitar licks as well as slow leads manage to win over the listeners mind. Even though the band has used additional effects in various of their numbers, they do strike a balance between the so called " unreal "sounds from the "real" ones.

Lastly, Pink Floyd invests its power in its lyrics too. Sometimes, too deep for some of our ears, we tend to ridicule these works. But sit down in a quiet room, close your eyes , turn up the volume, and only then will know what I’ve been trying to say…

Rohan Sikri


As bodybags pile on the Army Base Hospital, Delhi, it is increasingly becoming clear, at least to me, that losses for the families of those slain are grave, for the country or not does not matter.

I also sympathise with the blown up Pakistani- militants, intruders- soldiers, whatever our government finally decides upon, (though at the risk of being arrested under the National Security Act!) After all it is a question of earning a living. Nawaz Sharif, instead of pumping money into destabilising India, should strengthen their infrastructure in order to provide gainful employment to the youth-turned militants.

Nawaz Sharif and his army chief Perez Mushariff are waging a battle which will only produce losses on both sides.

India is forced into this conflict and soldiers lay down their lives, not for the sake of Mr. Vajpayee but for the country.

Mr. Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharif can exchange as many hotline conversations as possible, but it is not going to bring back to life the dead soldiers. It is apparent that the people at both sides of the LOC are weary of war, tired of the trigger-happy soldiers/ militants and are passionately awaiting peace.

It is time to tell Nawaz Sharif and his Army Thief that they stand naked in front of the world and that too in Kargil cold. (It cannot be very comfortable!)

Peace is the only way. Wake up, before all of us go to sleep for the final time.

Saionton Basu


what did you do for your country today?

After visiting a Pakistani web site ( one cant help but shake in a poll held by the site, 48% of our brotherly neighbours want to engage in a nuclear war. A map of India showing which cities the Ghauri missile can attack, made my veins expand. The fear is not a consequence of the possibility of death, but of the fact that a nation of people exists who have no value for human life. That people are able to console themselves with religion is a remarkable thing. To claim Jihad and die for a supposed cause without questioning it is not a decision that can be made by a mortal mind.

Pakistani’s don’t worry about the loss of life that they will rejoice in receiving. Indians may be proud to die for their country but that is because they are defending there own.

In no way do they want to escalate the war and minimal loss of life is always a factor, which is clearly evident by India’s decision to respect the Line of Control.

A computer program should be designed so that wars can be digitally simulated like a video game. It accounts for the same kind of military strategy and strength, without any bloodshed. This is an easy solution to an expensive problem.

In war it is the first time that clusters of dead bodies have been returned to different parts of the country. This shows the true integration of the army. In the previous war the bodies generally belonged to a particular state. It is a tragedy that any of these lives had to be sacrificed in the first place. Lets not let anymore children be orphaned, spouses be widowed or parents bereaved.

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