26th August 2002 - Page 4
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Vasant Valley Debate - India Today Cup

The fifth Vasant Valley Debate was held on the first of this month. Shivan Marya and Hemangini Dadwal represented Vasant Valley School. The debate commenced in the morning with the 12 participating schools being divided into four pools of three teams each. 

Debates were conducted and one team from each pool went on to the final round which took place in the afternoon. 

The motion for the final round was: "This house believes that only extremists can change the world". Excellent points were made both for and against the motion. 

After over two hours of heated debate, while the scores were being collated Karan Thapar gave a heart - warming speech remembering his debating days. Then the results were announced with St. Columba's School as the winning team. 

- The prize for the best speaker was given to one of the participants from this school. 
- The second prize was shared by students' of Mother's International School and Sri Ram School. 
- The prize for best interjector was given to a student of Welham's Girls School. 

On the whole The Vasant Valley Debate was a huge success. 

Anna Ahmed, X - C

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