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21st February 2003 - Page 2


This poem won the Poetry writing competition for classes 6 to 8.

Here goes another crowd,
The noises they make are really loud.
There they go bustling about,
Without an interval, they scream and shout.

Once you're in,
There's no way out.
No matter what you do,
Your escape, I really doubt.

A crowd is like a force of nature,
That cannot in anyway be dealt with.
No matter how big it may be,
There's always room for more to fit.

So next time you see a crowd,
Run away, and scream and shout.
Because once you're in,
There's no way out!

By Jagruti Seth


After living abroad for 20 years, author Bill Bryson returned to the United States with the urge to explore this country along the venerable Appalachian trail. Running 2,200 miles (give or take a few, according to Bryson) through the Appalachian mountain from Georgia to Maine, the Appalachian Trail is the longest continuously marked foot trail in the world. Despite images of idyllic walks in the woods, the trail is in fact a challenging task for any one who sets out to walk it.
Though many set on the trail only a handful complete it. Bryson sets out to do just that, and confronts the realities of the hike with irony, humour, and an occasionally touching and often hilarious wryness. The book is rich with detail, descriptions and history of the trail, perhaps with a slight excess of superlatives, but with sincerity and great humour. Bryson soon discovers his own limits, those of his companion on the trail- Stephan Katy, and the trial of long term hiking and camping. 

By the end of the book, deep in the woods of Maine, Bryson has learned a lot about the trail and America. He doesn't wax overly philosophical about it. Instead, he preserves the richly entertaining quality of this book to the very end. 

By Ashok Nayar, 10 

A VISIT TO THE NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTRE                                                                     by Avanti Birla

On Friday the 7th of February, class 10 B and the Biology students of class 12 had the pleasure of going to a lecture held at the National Science Centre by none other than the 'Father of DNA Fingerprinting'- Sir Alec Jeffreys, a geneticist at the university of Leicester. He is known for giving the world one of its most important tools for identifying human beings, a tool now used to catch criminals, establish paternity, and detect gene mutations -DNA FINGERPRINTING.
A DNA FINGERPRINT appears as a pattern of bands or stripes on x-ray films. The technology’s application for forensic science are obvious: it can determine whether two biological samples come from the same person. Sir Alec used this technology to help solve one of Britain’s most notorious crimes this century - THE ENDERBY MURDERS.
These days Sir Alex and his team are studying the effects of chronic irradiation such as that which has followed the melt down of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl 12 years ago. This is the first direct evidence that radiation induces inheritant mutation in humans. 
It certainly was an unique opportunity to meet the mastermind behind the technology that is today taken for granted. 

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