25th July 2003 - Page 6
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As I sat by the window of my penthouse apartment in London, I was just in time to see the intense waning of the sun. The sky was a mass of yellow and orange tint, and a palatable pink glow bathed the city. The bold outlines of skyscrapers against a furiously blushing sky took my breath away. I hop off the love seat I am sitting on, and rummage in the dresser for a pad to write on, and a pen. The feelings and enchantment take over as I begin to write…
Wishes take up somewhere else
Somewhere unknown
They take me to a place
Where the magnitude of fantasy has grown.
A place where children sing in rapture
Everyone's voice is heard
A destination of paradise
Where I am free as a bird.
It is a universe where
The moon shines in glory
And the limpid waters of the ocean
Dance in victory.
But reality brings me back
To this unpredictable world
A place where we are destroyed
And our voices are cursed.
The song goes unsung
The thought goes unheard
Just the silent drops of tears
Roll down this desolate world.
And still beggars like us
Want the world-which is like a gem
If only wishes were horses
Then beggars would ride them…
The sky, which has now turned a deep shade of violet, is speckled with stars-all shining like minuscule diamonds. Heavy clouds are advancing from the west coast, and soon the city will be dark and a pall descends.

Varini Sharma 9 B

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