9th May 2003 - Page 2
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We have over 8 prominent news channels. Do we need so many?

This Is Going To Hurt Just A Little Bit
Amanat Duggal, 10 A

As I entered that room
I saw the faces preparing for the final doom
It had the stillness of a graveyard
To keep calm was very hard
And then I saw their weapon
It was worse than a bomb or a gun

I saw that lady sitting there
The pain is what she was trying to bare
I saw the hot wax touch her skin
Braveness is what she was trying to win
I winced and tried not to throw a fit
After all this is going to hurt just a little bit

"What do you have to get done?"
Asked the lady with the big hair bun
"Oh just my arms and legs." I said
Waxing is something I most dread
She made me change into a gown
My forehead became the home of a frown
As I extended my arm
I desperately tried to keep my calm
She scooped out the hot wax with her knife
The hair on my arms holds on to its life
She spreads the wax, it burns my skin
My hairs say bye to their kith and kin

She covers the wax with a strip
And then when she gets a good grip
She pulls the strip quick and fast
Phew! At last the moment had passed
She goes on to remove the rest of my hair
My swollen pores try to take care
At last the trip comes to an end
Waxing has become my new trend
All the pain comes in one big pile
But in the end it's worth the while
Next I promise not to throw a fit
For this did hurt just a little bit.

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