Vasant Valley School Celebrates 100 Years of New Delhi
Talk by Mr Aman Nath on Architecture of New Delhi
Aman Nath the youngest founder member of INTACH was also the curator of Art Today, the contemporary art gallery of India Today. Actively involved in the restoration of India’s lesser-known architectural ruins, he has a powerful insight into the architecture of New Delhi. He shared his views and the architectural aspect of New Delhi as established by the British with the students of class 9.

Talk by Mr. Atul Dev on 100 years of New Delhi 7th December, 2011
Mr Atul Dev was a Commissioned Officer in the Indian Army for 21 years. He is very passionate about the history of New Delhi and spoke to the children of class 7 about how our grand city was made and gave us a briefing on the history on the making of New Delhi as the capital city of India.
Talk by Nayana Goradia on ‘Delhi Dubar’ on 7th December, 2011
Mrs Nayana Goradia is a renowned historian and has done her Ph D on Lord Curzon. She interacted with the students of class 8 and was able to explain the preparations made to welcome King and Queen of Britain for the Delhi Durbar.
Dr Sachi Chakravarty spoke to students of class 10
An alumnus of Delhi University and currently Professor of History at Jesus and Mary College, Dr Sachi Chakravarty interacted with the students of Classes X A, B and C and the History students of Class XI. She spoke to the children about why and how New Delhi was built after this city replaced Calcutta as the capital of colonial India. The interactions ranged from very detailed facts about the Coronation Ground to interesting anecdotes about various aspects of the architecture of New Delhi. The students enjoyed her talk and learnt new facts about their city which is celebrating its centenary year.

Mr Sohail Hashmi a true Dilliwala spoke to students of Class 6.
Mr Sohail Hashmi is a writer and film-maker. He gave up academics to work among unorganised workers, slum dwellers and unorganised youth before moving into electronic media and taking up his first job at the age of 41, has written on heritage, culture, social issues, conservation and water.
Soft Boards and art work in School:

Click to view Class 1 Celebrating with a Cake! - 12th December, 2011

Click to view Models Created by Class 3 - 14th December, 2011

Click to view Visit by Mr. Kaura - 12th December, 2011

Click to view Visit by Ms. Swapna Liddle - 15th December, 2011

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