Adventure Camps 2009


Trip to Camp Kyari

I was so excited about my trip to Camp Kyari that I could not wait. I finished packing so quickly that I did not notice there were three more days to go! Then the day arrived to get into the bus for Camp Kyari.

After an eight hour journey we got to our huts and were ready. We had a bird egg hunt. And that was quite a lot of fun. The next day we went for some activities like rappelling, river crossing and the best of all, body surfing. We had a lot of fun! Then, we had a yummy picnic lunch. In the night we had a lovely bon- fire and topped it up with a delicious dinner.
The next day we got up very early and went for bird watching. We got a chance to see some craftsmen at work and learnt basket weaving and rangoli among other things. After that we were divided into groups of seven and were given a slip with an address on it. We had to find that address in the village and work for people there. In return they gave us food. When we reached these houses it was nothing like we had thought. It was so clean and there were beautiful fields on either side. That was the best experience of the trip. The next day we got into the bus and came back to Delhi.
Trisha Bansal IV- C and Ava Pilgrim IV- A


class 3| class 4| class 5| class 6| class 7| class8| class9| class 10| class 12

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