Adventure Camps 2009


Class 8 was anticipating their sixth camp. The excitement was palpable as we boarded the train wondering what was in store for us.We should have slept instantly but instead whispers and giggles floated through the compartments for several hours.
At Shahjahanpur the teachers loaded a group of eighty sleepy-eyed campers into cars and we eagerly made our way to the campsite.On entering the site we saw a clearing through the trees. There sat a little pavilion and beyond that a sparkling, bubbling river ran through the property. It was breathtaking and was to prove a wonderful venue for our sojourn.The tents were spacious and comfortable and we all chose the companions we were to spend the next few nights with. That afternoon we played in the river.What a blast we had throwing mud balls and splashing water at anyone within our reach.A treasure hunt followed- bonding as we searched for clues-we understood the true meaning of unity. Although most of us had been in the same class since Nursery the unique setting and activities helped us find new ties and bonds with our classmates. Surely this is the true significance of our Annual Camps.
The next few days were full of fun and adventure. The following day we went on a jungle safari and a nature walk. We saw a few different species of deer,two rhinoes,a large variety of birdlife and even a crocodile!
We had a 'campathon'-an event in which six teams-the Tigers,Leopards,Elephants,Crocodiles,Wild boars and hornbills-participated.There were many events including cycling,running,three-legged race.The competitions bred warm camaraderie.That night we went for a walk and a bullock cart ride. Ghost stories floated in the night air sending tingles down our spines.
Though we had a marvelous time throughout,yet it was the last and final day that was most fun. We spent the whole day frolicking in the river,playing in the cool waters and chatting on the sandy banks. While we were happy to be returning to our parents, many of us were sad to be making the journey home as it meant the end of a wonderful experience during which we learned independence and had a tremendous amount of fun.So what if we didnt go to Rishikesh,as we had hoped,we had a wonderful and memorable experience at Dudhwa,one which I will always remember with great fondness.

Divya Shastri
Class 8A

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