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7th March 2003 - Page 4
For an hour the teachers were away and the monitors held way 
On the 23rd of February, Tara, Manika and I, went to monitor class I-C. I loved it. It was a great experience for me because I really- really want to be a teacher, so it was fun saying, "Keep quiet!" or "Do you want a star? Then go to sleep!" Since it was my brother's class I was familiar with most of the children. One thing was irritating. A bunch of girls kept calling me 'didi' and I hate being called 'didi'. I had fun altogether and really want to do it again!!! Sukhman Khera V-C

When I went to monitor II-C with Anhad and Vanya I found out that monitoring is much harder than I thought. I also found out that II-C was much better behaved than when we were in class II. We were so naughty that the monitors couldn't even finish their work!!! Dhiya Sumar V-C

Yesterday, two prefects monitored my class and me. Their names were Viraj and Arjun. I loved it immensely because we were allowed to whatever we wanted, as there was no teacher to make sure we behaved ourselves. It was like being at a party. I wish we were monitored everyday. 
Raghav Kishor V- C

When we had to go to classes to monitor I was very excited. I went to monitor class II-C. They were very naughty especially the boys. We played a game called the 'silent game'. They enjoyed it a lot. The girls won. When the teacher came back the children didn't let us go. Anhad Hundal V-C 

This was a great experience for me. We were given work to do while monitoring the babies. We couldn't get them to sleep so we decided to give each of them a star to get them to sleep. I have never before had to baby sit any child and I felt really proud after I left their classroom. 
Diksha Varma V-C

When I was monitoring class III-C the class was behaving well so our job became easy. We had no problem monitoring the class. We were proud that our class was quiet and well behaved. Even the class teacher was proud of us. Ishaan Nagpal VC 

When the teachers left complete pandemonium began, as rules went amuck. It was up to the remaining prefects to sprout that little seed of peace in a forest of mayhem. The naughty ones began to encourage the others. The monitors had to call for re-enforcement from the bottom floor. Vikram Kaleka V-C

Musings If I had the power……….

I could make the Earth a cleaner place by using the mantra of reuse and recycle. In place of factories there would be huts, instead of big cars and buses there would be horse drawn carriages. Our rivers would be clean and there would be lots of trees to keep our earth clean. Ayesha Malik V-A

I could remove all poverty from the world and let it stay that way…
Shikhar Nayak V-B

I could have a twin sister then we could have played and studied together. .
Madhuri Nayar V-B

I could keep the sacred river Ganga clean by telling everyone not to litter...
Saniya Dinodia V-B

I could run a charity home for the little orphaned babies in India…
Mallika Arya V-B

I could help the people around to be more helpful and kind, then no fights and no wars would exist…
Uma Narang V-B

I could be the best soccer player in the school and one day play Brazil and win..
Sanjana Malhotra V-B

I could be a scientist and bring out a great invention that will be useful to the world…
Sumedha Anand V-B

I could find a cure for cancer in the world…
Ashrut Wig V-B

I could change my age to be old enough to join the Indian cricket team…
Shivaan Sahni V-B

I could change into a wizard and help Harry Potter to fight Voldemort…
Agneesh Lahiri V-B

Science Day- Junior school looked like a menagerie with the pets of various children brought in to have a field day. The experiments were a great success and kept everyone busy. Slide shows were very interesting too. 
Yashvardhan Sathe V- C

My favourite branch of Science is Chemistry. I like it because I have a lot of fun doing experiments. I also like it because learning new formulae and working in the lab is also a lot of fun. I like making new compounds with the chemicals. With the compounds making new inventions is also possible. The colours of various chemicals is also very fascinating. I love this world of Chemistry a lot!!!
Prarthana Gupta V- A

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