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7th March 2003 - Page 6


A win by the green house senior girls in the softball tournament by 2 home runs surprised everyone and left 2 time winner blue house in the dust.

In the Interhouse junior boys Basketball Tournament, red house cruised to victory.10-5 being the final score.

The Senior School Inter house Basketball Tournament for junior girls is starting from monday 10th march.

Last Wednesday, a basketball match was played between our school team and the "dad's" team and we won with calculated ease. However this Saturday the dads have a turn to take revenge as a cricket match beginning at 9:30 is taking place.Every one is welcome to watch and cheer.

Our junior boys Soccer Team is in the news again with Nikhil Ledlie and Arjun Bajaj taking first and second place respectively in the Timex Kick Off 2010 Soccer tournament.

What is class 12 thinking of doing this year? Are they going to 'just have fun' or are they more serious about their studies. This information was collected in a General Studies class with all the sections of class 12. 


(a)"What is an IQ?……I think it is something to do with the internet."
-Vritima Wadhwa and Shivangi Sahani revealing their intelligence.
(b) “I came late because I had to get shot.”
- Sakshi Chopra trying to tell everyone that she had to get a vaccination.
(c) “D’ya wanna have flu juice?”
- Akul Mehra referring to Fruit Juice.
(d) “Did you get your hair cut long or short?”
- Bhavya Singhal asking Mayanka Uppal about her haircut.
(e) “This is the best part about being a sandwich”
Sonal Marwah referring to the advantages of being a prefect while munching into a sandwich.

S U R V E Y: If you had to, would you rather give up Kashmir or Sachin Tendulkar to Pakistan?

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