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10th April 2002 - Page 2


Various changes have been made in the structure of our school. These changes have come into effect from the beginning of this term. At Vasant Valley, it is said that we believe in a 'holistic approach' towards education, where there is a fine balance between extra curricular activities and academics. This was not always true. We were a school where our extra curricular activities took a preference over our academic work. Now it seems that this balance has finally been achieved.
Originally, the school timings limited the chances of participating in activities outside school. But now the change in timings and the choice to go back home early on certain days make it easier for students to specialize in certain skills. It also proves beneficial to students of Class X to XII.
Within school itself Class XII has been given the choice of choosing between General Studies, Computers and PE. Each student must complete

30 periods of each subject and then attend any class of their choice. At first sight this may seem like a choice, but truly it is just a coverup to give us a false sense of freedom.
The concept behind this idea is very innovative, but for those of us who have no interest in any one of these subjects, this seems like a waste of time. Having already had the experience of attending these subjects in class XI, we feel that since our time is limited, we rather do something that we enjoy and that we would be receptive in learning. In a way this seems to be a better way of learning, as earlier on class 12 did not even have this benefit. So this is still an improvement from the way it was before. 
The promotion criteria breakup is another aspect in the change of the school structure. Here each exam is given a weightage of 15% and monthly tests are 20%. In a way this is an assessment of the entire year, 

but for those people taking part in extra curricular activities (which our school is so fond of) it is sometimes quite difficult to be up to the mark when it comes to the monthly test. For those people who go for sports tournaments debates, and other events, living up to the expectation of doing brilliantly in the monthly tests is not always a possibility. Giving exams 15% weightage seems to decrease their importance as that is when real focus study takes place. 
The introduction of life skill programme is another aspect of the school day which will benefit us in the long run. The school has organized various people to come and talk to the class 11 and 12s about career options. Essential talks and workshops will also be organized. 
The new system sounds very promising barring a few setbacks - it's a pity that we're leaving in 7 months!

Mallika Singh
Avani Birla
Class XII

Continued from Page 1


Oscar it would have been the first time ever someone won back-to-back Award. I think the Oscars are an extremely fair and partial process to give recognition to some of the top performers of the world. This year it showed that they were also politically correct as they honored the black community as well.

Varun Garg

One night when mom kissed me, and left,
My mind went rolling like a jet.
How does the pitter-pat of the rain sound? 
Or, the burst of a thundercloud.
How does the chirping of the birds sound?
Or the rustling of leaves against the ground.
How does it sound when the crackers go bang?
Or the lady at the opera sang.
Oh! How I long to hear the words, "I love you,"
But then I pretend as if I already knew.
I ask, Oh! God but why, why me?
The answer was, "Child, at least you can see." 

Madhav Soi

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