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10th April 2003 - Page 3

WATER- a celebration of life


"Water, a celebration of life", a play which was performed on Saturday, 22nd March, was a part of the Jal Utsav Water Festival, a festival that began on World Water Day. It focused on water awareness through the creative arts. 
The play is the result of an interdisciplinary theatre project that started in February and was facilitated by the Theatre Embassy of Amsterdam. About 90 children from Vasant Valley, Ritinjali and Deepalaya worked together around the theme "water." 
Through this workshop, the children explored and learnt about the problems faced by India and the world when it comes to this complex issue. The result of this 2 month workshop was also put up at the Deepalaya School and at Dilli Haat. 
The story the play dealt with was of how a crook- Dr. Lave was destroying the world of its elements and how this horrible character was finally stopped. 
We cannot not care about this complex and extremely relevant issue. Remember "Every Drop Counts...”

Vritima Wadhwa , 10 A

One month of practice was finally over and we had done what we had to. As we parted in our cars on the night of the 26th we were somewhat relieved of the nervousness that had crept into us during the last few days. This play or rather practicing for it left us with memories that we can never forget. 
Apart from missing classes and being far too exhausted to do anything else, we made a lot of new friends and got to know a lot of our classmates better. 
The endless hours of practice were definitely worth it because being a part of such a production is an experience in itself. 

All we can say is that "The footprints left by this play on the sands of our lives will never get washed away by the tide of time."

Avanti Birla, Bharat Sethi and Medha Basu

It’s not the size of the dog in the fight that 
matters but the size of the fight in the dog.

CALVIN and HOBBES                                                                                                                         Bill Watterson

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