Water- A Celebration Of Life
There was a drama workshop in the month of February and March and I can assure you it was MAGICAL!!. We worked on a play named “Water- A Celebration Of Life,” together with less fortunate children from the urban slums of Delhi. I found that some of us didn’t want to go near or interact with them which greatly upset me. The play was about two children who embark on a journey to conserve Water from the evil monster of a man ‘Doctor Don’t Care’ and his money hungry wife ‘Dolly Don’t Care’. I played one of the henchmen of Doctor Don’t Care. I had to try and be normal but failed at every attempt. The play was great fun. It was performed at Vasant Valley, Deepalaya and at Dilli Haat.
Vir Vikram Kaleka V- C
When I joined the Theatre Workshop conducted by Fre, I didn’t know anyone but soon I got along with every one. Fre organised activities for us in the first few classes. Then slowly she unfolded the story, told us about our roles in the play and we got on with the rehearsals. My role was that of a henchman of Doctor Don’t Care. It was a great experience to interact with the students of Deepalaya and Ritinjali and to perform at school. After the performance we had a party and watched ourselves on video. The best friend I made was Subender from Ritinjali. Though the students of Ritinjali and Deepalaya were different, we all still felt equal.
Ishaan Nagpal V- C
Wow! only 3 more steps to enter the workshop! I went into the room and found four teachers there- Fre- the Drama teacher, Ankie- the Art teacher, Nikhil- the Music teacher and Ziada- the Dance teacher. Children from two more schools, Deepalaya and Ritinjali were also there. We were soon divided into our groups. I was in the Art group with Ankie. Soon, because I was working very well Ankie made me her assistant. We started work on the invitations, then the tents and finally the costumes. In the last minute I got the role in the play!!. While we rehearsed I made friends with people I didn’t know at all. Well, now its all over and I can happily say “WOW”!
Vanya V Singh V- C
Let’s Take A Pledge

To save some water you must try,
Or for the want of it you will cry!!
Arjun Gupta and Sanjana Malhotra V - B
V e r y W a t e r y
When I went into the bathroom,
To wash my hands and face,
Guess what I saw?
Water trickling on the floor!
I ran to get a handkerchief from my bed,
And oh my god! It was soon all wet!!
Akhila Khanna III-B |
Water is so cold
Water has no taste
We should never do this
We should never ever waste!!!
Vandita Khanna III-B |
Drip, drop, drip, drip, and drop
Pretty, pretty raindrop.
Don't stop, see the umbrellas, go up
Peacocks dancing, children prancing.
And the froggies go hop, hop, hop!!!
Amira III-B |