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15th February 2001 - Page 3
Surya Uday Bedi, a student of class XI-C, has prominently featured in the golfing achievements of our school. He has managed to carve out a niche for himself a name in the field of Golf. The editorial board of the school newsletter decided to catch up with him and interview him about his achievements. Here are a few questions, which he answered for us.

When did this interest in golf develop?
It was a gradual process. My father was a regular on the golf course, but my actual interest in the sport began around two years ago.

Golf initially was.............
I started playing at the ITC Golf course way back in class 9. I found that. I was a late-comer in the sport - some of the people my of age there had been playing for a number of years. I took up the challenge with determination and then I never looked back.

Your greatest inspiration?
In one word - DAD.

Why NOT golf? (Pat came the reply........ rather forcefully) It's a very challenging sport which is not as easy as people assume it to be. You can never reach the point of perfection and that's what keeps the challenge alive. Lot of dedication and a lot of work is required both on the course and in the gym. I have put in a lot of effort to reach where I am.

Your achievements?
I have played in 5 national and 1 international tournaments till now. I won the DLF Medal round in December and came runners up in December. I have got 2 hole-in-one's. I have played one international tournament in Sri Lanka where I won the award of the Most Promising player and the Most Popular player 1999-2000. I also reached the semi-finals of the DLF Medal Round.

Your most satisfying moment..............
Winning the Most Promising player award in Sri-Lanka was very satisfying and encouraged me to perform better in the future.

The stones in the path of success.............
As I said, I as a late-comer in this sport which proved to be my greatest handicap. Also finding time after a long hectic day at school was difficult. Catching up with academics was an uphill task. Diverting my frustrations when the game was not going my way was also a tough task.

What next..........
My future plans include using golf as a tool to gain admission into a good college. I also plan to play a number of national and one international tournament in the upcoming year. 
(As told to the Editorial board.)


40 seconds is all it took to annihilate absolutely everything that mattered in the lives of thousands of people. 40 seconds is all it took to reduce several thriving villages into heaps of rubble. 40 seconds is all it took to convert large playgrounds and schools into graveyards. For the survivors, those 40 seconds will have made their existence into a living hell.

The horrific picture and stories that are emerging from the recently earthquake-ravaged state of Gujarat have grieved even the most cynical and hard-hearted amongst us. We hear about mothers feeding their children "sand" to douse their hunger, about parents desperately clinging onto the hope of finding their children alive under the remains of their house, about people being devoid of their limbs… the list is endless. These pictures are likely to be but a small part of the grim and gruesome truth. The lives of the people of one of the most enterprising states of the country is reduced to one of a pathetic strife for survival.

The nightmare still continues for those who managed to live through the earthquake and is likely to continue for a very long while. What generations of people have spent their entire lives contributing to, was obliterated in an almost miniscule amount of time. For parents to be powerless to prevent their children's agony, for children to cremate their entire families simultaneously is by no means an enviable task. The survivors cannot, by any standards, be considered lucky. (continued on the next page)

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