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18th January 2001 - Page 4

The Dance of Death

What it takes to be a Winner

Night falls
The church bells tolls,
Begins the dance of death,
Screech the anti-keepers of faith,
Cloaked, hooded and abhorrent
Awe-inspiring, repugnant and gruesome

Hiss! Swish and swoosh!
This mystical ritual has neither head nor tail,
And all are invited 
To be rite(d).

Never has earth befallen a catastrophe so devastating and grave. 
A blessing for those depraved

Horns and hooves,
Dwelling in the darkness' grooves
These creatures are Satan's slaves,
Tormenters of graves

A stupefaction for those sane,
The very sound is a pain.

This dance of death began at the very day of Christ's birth,
For Christ's followers this is neither joy nor mirth.

Omnipresent and ominous all is cloaked by this dance of death.
Terrible it is - but darkness is!
Behold the Dance of Death!

Nikhilesh Chand XI-C

Winning. We all talk about how we must win in all possible aspects of life. To be the very best at what we do. It would seem that in today's competitive world we must always reach for the sky…. excel!!

Before we go into its intricacies we may analyze why we must win.
In my belief, we all aim to win for satisfaction. We satisfy ourselves and show ourselves that we have a unique ability which we use to excel. Some people live on such satisfaction. We also win to satisfy others such as our teachers, our parents and the nation, which we give a name to. This is the essence of being a winner. 

Now, not all people can be winners. Some are born winners, many work their way to win, and then there are the "troubled", as I call them. 

The troubled can't win because of their socio-economic or emotional status- a fault of theirs. These unfortunate people are the ones who balance our precious humanity.

Now, to be winner is not at all as simple as it sounds. In fact it is probably the most difficult part of being a human being. Not only to survive but to thrive among our near and present environment. Quintessential.

The following aspects of a person's 

characters are what, in my belief, indispensable for a "winner". 
a) One must have the sensitivity to realize his\her own limitations and mistakes.
b) The urgency must be there to change and adapt so that one can better one's self. One must allow for sacrifices.
c) One must always think in terms of the future and how today's events can effect tomorrow. A winner must realize the need for rapid self-development. 
d) It is of utmost priority to be optimistic at all times. One should never give up hope. Always aim for your goal.
Intense commitment and determination will always lead to success.
e) One must be fair and truthful not necessarily with others (that would encompass a larger field), but with yourself. 
f) One must be strong- both physically and mentally.
To fear nothing else, but fear itself! (Alias Martin Luther King)
g) And, one of my greatest beliefs…. To be consistent in everything one does. Consistency always leads to victory. 
A person can never be perfect, but the one who constantly strives is the real winner.

By Aditya Basu

This Article was taken in relation to this Week’s Quote.

Editorial Board: Aatish Bhatia, Partha S. Mudgil, Ankit Bahri, Shivan Marya, Pallavi Raghavan, Shruti Sharma, Priya Malik, Digvijay Singh, Deivyani Dheer, Aman Raj Khanna.

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