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19th April 2002 - Page 6


Stop the slaughter now,
Protect the dolphins.
Don’t ask how,
Just save those fins.

Killing, skinning, poaching,
What has this world come to?
We need to start coaching,
Start telling people what to do.

Protect the dolphins,
Start taking action.
Before they become extinct,

At least save a fraction.

Save them,
Hear them cry.
They’re pleading for help,
We all know why.

They aren’t many left,
Do what you can now.
Or they’ll all be gone,
They’d have taken their final blow.

And we’d all be left with a terrrible guilt,
Our lives would be sad without them.
So don’t hide under your guilt,
Before it’s too late, save them.

Tarini Pal



On the 14 April, at the crack of dawn we started our rendezvous with the birds of the Delhi Zoo. This was yet another endeavor of INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage ). 

We saw some rare birds amongst which were black swans, which are native to Australia and have red bills with a white line across them. The adjutant stalk, whose feathers seemed to have been haphazardly pulled off the back of it's neck look succeedingly old and ugly. The white-chested kingfisher's electric blue colour stood out against the backdrop. The rosy pasters, which are relatives of the mynahs, have wings of light coral pink and black bodies. The Eurasian Thicknee, which has long legs, a fat brown body and a black beak, camouflages rather well. We not only saw birds but we also heard them, which was a lovely break for our ears that are used to the loud city noises.

Deeksha Gujral 
Natasha Uppal 


Vrinda Sharma

I wonder why,
Chocolate tastes like so.
How people got names.
And why rivers flow.

Why people are wring,
But do not commit.
And afterwards they always,
Pay for it.

Why lions roar,
And birds sing.
Why I want to know more,
About so many things.

Why people buy things,
And can’t get them for free.
Why so many people,
Are so much taller than me.

I wonder why,
I write like this.
And why i can’t seem to sing,
Just like Elvis.
I wonder why,
I wonder so much.
Help me someone,
Anyone got a hunch?


Mallika Singh, Nikhil Awasty, Piya Kishore, Aman Raj Khanna, Ashish Aggarwal, Rishab Sareen, Shivin Marya, Abhishek Narula, Ashwin Garg

Sports Desk: Varun Garg and Vikas Venugopal

Editor: Aatish Bhatia

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