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24th January 2003 - Page 4



My name is Aastha. And I'm about to turn ten. I'm in class V- C and I'm Head Girl, something I've wanted to be since I joined school. I study in Vasant Valley School, which is one of the best schools in Delhi. I have been to one more school excluding my play- school, which was a school in Italy. I live in Gurgoan which is pretty close to Delhi. My family consists of eight people; my parents, my younger brother, my mother's mother or my grandmother, my paternal grandparents and me. Talking about myself, I'm a cheerful, ambitious and talkative girl who is readily available for work.
Speaking of work, I like to baby sit children as I used to do it a lot when my brother was a baby. I like spicy Indian food but I dislike cottage cheese because when I was young, I had food poisoning by eating it. My best friends are Prakruti, Vanya and Supriya. My foes are mean people as they are the ones who trouble the most. My attention span is good and my simplicity is one of my good qualities. I also have some bad points which are my short temper and my lack of patience. My favourite hobby since I turned five is reading. My mother urged me on, and now I read so much that my mum has great difficulty in getting me away from my books.
My role model has always been Mr. Einstein as I have always been interested in science and experimenting. My immediate goal is to become Head Girl in Senior School and my larger goal is to become someone famous. As I mentioned earlier, I dearly want to become someone like Mr. Einstein. I like my school because it has taught me and many others to be honest and simple. I like Delhi for it's historic moments, and admire the natural beauty of India.

This is a painting by Sahaya Sharma. 14 paintings made by class V were sent for an exhibition, A WORLD UNITED THROUGH ART, at Medford, USA.


The Tall Giraffe

The giraffe who was tall
Had a great big fall
He broke his leg, he broke his neck
And the ugly crow came and gave him a peck.
The giraffe was laid up in bed,
"No trotting for a week," the doctor said.

Madhav Vohra IV- A

The Gigantic Whale

Once there was a whale
who was gigantic
He had a great big tail
And his size was fantastic!
There was one annoying fact
That he was a spoilt brat.

Zoravar Bakshi IV- A

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