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29th November 2000 - Page 6

Review : Roots 
(Alex Haley)


Many centuries, many decades and even more lives have been spent fighting for freedom. It has never been restricted to any specifications. Many have fought for the freedom of colonialism, from communism, from poverty, from hunger, He does not know this until he himself is caught like an animal and loaded in a ship like mere cargo.
The book advances to show the merciless acts of "white masters" on Kunla (the African slave) and the turning of a 
Dear Editor,

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I'm truly sick of the school newsletter being used as a mantle for 
from slavery, from prejudice. 
Struggles continue to this day, but some occurrences leave the deepest impact on societies. Slavery based on color of the skin is one of the occurrences of the past that still have a great impact on our present lives. 
The story of slavery in the Americas is one of the most shocking  and painful events in history.

...tells a painful tale of seven generations of slavery, and the focus shifts from generation to generation.

young seventeen-year-old man into a slave. The applying of absurd reasons of prejudice with impunity. 
After four or five attempts to runaway to freedom, Kunla ultimately has to settle for slavery. 
After the transformation of one man into a slave, the history is repeated for each generation to be reminded.
A remarkable point of praise in the book is the 
Siddhanth, Aney, Akhil Wable and Saloni Mira Rai to carry out their personal vendettas and endless arguments about Socialism, Marxism, Capitalism and the like. The articles of Aatish Bhatia, the only other person featured, are a welcome break. Surely there must be more things we can write about, and more people to write them. Even if there are no contributors the magazine could at least put in some cartoons or even 
A bloody carnage and suffering carried over a period of 300 years.
The book" Roots" literally goes to the root of slavery in USA. The book is written by a black American author named Alex Haley. Alex Haley in this book traces down his family history 7 generations back to Gambia, a country on the western coast of Africa. 
The book starts with the birth of a small child in a small village in Gambia. As the child grows up amongst the vast green land o Africa, he starts hearing rumors about the "white man" taking his fellow Africans to some unknown land and eating them like cannibals. Little does he know that what is done to them is more savage and inhumane in nature that cannibalism.
clever change of tone or voice from one character to another. As the book tells a painful tale of seven generations of slavery, the focus shifts from generation to generation. This is done for the first time in the book when Kunla's only daughter is taken away. At this point, the focus changes from Kunla onto his daughter Kizzy. 
Kizzy goes through even painful experiences of losing her first love and rape. 
Reminders of being slaves never leave the lives of the family. The first free individual in the family was from the third generation.
The book is a painful yet exciting journey into the lives of African slaves. It is, therefore already considered an American classic.

Partha Mudgil
XI - A
quizzes to break the monotony. Reading the same view points expressed over and over, week after week can be rather dreary, since it's the same three people that hog all the space.

Aeshna Roy
Class XII-B

PS: It's not like no one else writes; I've written many, but they never seem to be published.

Editorial Board: Aatish Bhatia, Shivan Marya, Pallavi Raghavan, Shruti Sharma, Priya Mallik, Digvijay Singh, Deivyani Dheer, Saloni Mira Rai, Malini Kochar, Amaan Raj Khanna
Sports Editors: Siddhanth Aney and Sourav Roy
Editor: Akhil Wable

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