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Vasant Valley                      2


However once again by the 80’s, things had reached a lull. There was a "feel – good pop" and loud electric hard – rock. Styles such as hip – hop and rap were just evolving while alternative soft rock, pop rock, soft metal and techno were non – existent. However, with the nineties, all sorts of new styles came to the forefront. With the techno revolution, the definition of music went beyond sound and lyrics to sound and instruments. It was no longer considered necessary to have a good voice to make good music. With the help of technology, it is now possible to add so much to a song with so little at hand. A keyboard can duplicate the sound of an orchestra. Thus at the physical level, all these new discoveries have changed the sound and feel of music.

But at a higher spiritual level, many bonds have emerged with unclassifiable styles that are blurring the edges on our music shelves. From a few basic styles that existed uptil 30 – 40 years ago, we have nearly 15 – 20 different styles including alternative music which is a melting point of all that can’t be labeled. Originally it was a label reserved for music that didn’t enjoy mass popularity. However today, alternative, due to gaining popularity often becomes main stream. Thus there are no white lines stereotyping artists or classifying music anymore.



A man goes to his doctor and says 'I don't think my wife's hearing is as good as it used to be, what should I do?'
The doctor replies: 'Try this test to find out for sure. When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn't respond keep moving
closer asking the question until she hears you.'

(Continued from Page 1)

The world stage has become a lot more open and accepting If, your music sounds good, you’re going to succeed. It doesn’t need to be English or even have words. It can even be remixed or a cover version with your flavor.

However, all this openness has its downside. The emergence of many boy and girl bands, which play meaningless music and write shallow songs based on popular songs, is a new phenomenon. Most of these bands plagerise popular songs from the past, and are unable to even play instruments. The songs that they do write lack depth, soul or feel. The members of these bands are great performers being able to dance and sing as well as look appealing to the masses. However, they completely lack the ability to make music and are not artists by any generous standards. They are pop products put together buy music companies, solely to make money and look good at it.

Now, music connects millions, quite literally through the Internet. Young people of the world have something that bonds us all – music. And now, more than ever before, thanks to the improved communication, we can all truly stand as one. Thus I feel this was and is the most interesting event of the century.

Nilanjana Dutt, XI - A

off the

The man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands fifteen feet behind her and says 'What's for dinner, honey?'
No reponse.
He moves to ten feet behind her and asks again, no response.
Five feet, no answer.
Finally he stands directly behind her and says,
'honey, what's for supper?'
She says, 'for the fourth time, I SAID


I have always been mistaken

Nearly always been shook and shaken

For behaving like a spoilt brat

But I don't think that I am exactly like that

I have always been mistaken

Nearly always been shook and shaken

For talking continuously like a parrot

But I don't think that is completely correct

I have always been mistaken

Nearly always been shook and shaken

For sometimes being as blind as bat

But according to me whosoever thinks so is a rat

I have always been mistaken

Nearly always been shook and shaken

For repeating everything like a monkey

But according to me the one whom is constantly repeating

these mistakes is himself a fool and a donkey

Its a pity I have never been mistaken

Never been shook and shaken

For as smart and handsome like Brad Pitt

But according to me if that had happened I would have been an instant hit.

Dhruv Khanna





Joe enters the confessional and tells the priest that he has committed adultery. The priest says,
'Oh no, was it with Marie Brown?.'
Joe says, 'I'd rather not say who it was with.'
The priest says, 'Was it with Betty Smith?'
Joe says, 'I'd rather not say,'
So the priest gives him absoultion and Joe leaves. While leaving the church, Joe's friend asks if he recieved absolution. Joe says,
'Yes, and two very good leads!'


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