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Vasant Valley                      3

Internet Telephony

Internet Telephony, a new application of the Internet. A revolution, in which the telephonic conversation will be replaced by video conferencing and so on.

Today, one pays for STD and ISD bills for calling to far away places. The Internet a worldwide network is soon going to reduce such costs to a charge of local call. The Internet can be accessed anywhere in the world wherever there a connection. Already an infrastructure is working at its best. Internet Telephony is a concept in which one person who is connected to the Internet, having a mike as well as speakers, can make Internet calls worldwide. He downloads a software which routes his voice message as well as the person who he is callings voice data to a server. This server transports the messages to both the persons. Thus they can talk to one another.

One such software that can be used for this purpose is Mediaring Talk 99. This software once downloaded from the site and installed can be used to make Internet calls. The person simply feeds in the phone number along with the country code and area code and he can contact the person he wants to talk. If the other person has Mediaring and is online then he recieves the call and the whole transaction is for free.

For those who have STD and ISD lines. A feature known as knocking can be used to tell the other person to go online. This can be simply achieved by ringing the phone once or twice, thus giving an indication to the other person to connect. For those who have International Credit Cards can use this facility to call to persons who do not have such software as they will call to the phone, directly through the Internet. The charges for such a call are only a fraction of a dollar. Thus STD & ISD calls can be made at a very low cost.

This is very useful for students who do not have credit cards and want to save for their day in the sun!!! They can simply tell the other person to download the software and they can talk to one another when both are online. One drawback is that sometimes when Internet traffic is very high the sound is delayed. Video conferencing is an extension of this. Higher bandwidth is required, as more amounts of data need to be transmitted. Internet Telephony will revolutionize the future of Tele-communications.

Pranab Sharma




The School Council Elections are scheduled to be held on Monday, the 8th of August

Some Guidelines Are:

There will be no suggested names, all students are free to vote for a candidate of their choice

No student is allowed to vote for himself /herself

There will be one elcted representative from each year

For further information please contact any member of the prefect council

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