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5th December 2002 - Page 6

Trail of Treasure

Once there was a king called Gator Tots. He hunted crocodiles. Time flew and Gator Tots soon died of old age. Before he died he had made a map where he had hidden his treasure. 

One day a boy called Tom found this map in his garden. He was surprised and told four of his friends. Harry, John, Thomas and Sam. Sam said that if they had the map it would be possible to find the treasure of Gator Tots. 

The next day the boys set off on a long journey. First they passed the deep forest where it was dark and scary. Then while they were walking Harry fell into a ditch and to his surprise he found the secret treasure. All the five were happy and went back home. When they reached home they told their parents and handed over the discovery to the museum. Since then all the five have been famous and popular in their town. 

Martand Singh
Class 5-B

A Dark World

One morning to my great dismay 
I couldn't make out whether it was night or day
There was total darkness all around me
And I realized that I could not see

All I could hear around me were sounds
It made my head really pound
I head to grope around and feel my way
How I managed I cannot say

It saddened me because I could not see the flowers and birds
I had to rely on what could be heard
Fortunately my problem was only temporary
And I thanked god for saving me mercifully

Aliya Bhandari
Class 5-B

A New Attraction Reviews
A look at the
Idiot Box

To start off this column I choose one of the slews of new shows on Star World. It is comedy about life called Titus. It involves the adventures of a 20 something hotrod maker called Christopher Titus. He has a beer guzzling father, a wacky friend and a funny brother. The result is a fresh look at the irony of life with laughs all the way. This show truly redefines family and relationships. The presence of Titus's girlfriend also adds a romantic angle. The end result is a comedy worth seeing not only for its humor but also its great satire.
Don't miss out on this show. It comes every Wednesday at 7:30 pm. 

By Ashutosh Kumar

Hitting the notes

It is the first time that we are starting a column for reviews exclusively. This time we have chosen to start with the evergreen sensation … U2. They have already impressed the critics and are making new fans everyday as their songs dominate the airwaves. Their latest offering is The Best of 1990 to 2000 and has everyone enraptured by the music. The album is actually a collection of their most popular hits from the U2 era (1990 to 2000) and it is a must for any fan of theirs and is just great as a collector's item. It includes all the songs which ever hit the top of the charts including Staring At The Sun, Stuck In A Moment, One, Beautiful Day and many more. The U2 have been the king of their trade and are back to reclaim their place. This is a chance to keep their music with you forever.

Rating: 4.5/5
By Ashutosh Kumar

The new review column invites guest writers to write in regarding their views on any game, TV show, music, etc. Please submit your reviews with all relevant information to Ashutosh Kumar X-B

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