Adventure Camps 2013

Class 3 - Botanix

Class 3 went for the adventure camp to camp Botanix near Damdama lake on 20th March2013 and returned on 23rd March 2013.
We left school at 7.00am on 20th March and reached the camp site at 8.20am. On arrival at the camp the children were greeted by a welcome drink which was followed by breakfast. After that the children were allocated their respective tents and given time to settle down. Since it was very warm, the children were kept busy in indoor activities. In the evening the children went for different adventure activities such as Burma-bridge, wall-climbing etc. This was followed by an evening snack, bon-fire in the night and dinner.
The next morning children went for a walk to Damdama lake and on the way back experienced the village life. After breakfast,the children enjoyed getting wet during the rain-dance. In the evening the children went for a camel ride, bullock cart ride and also made pots with the help of a local potter. At night they watched a movie and put up their cultural performances which they had prepared through the afternoon.
The following day the children did Zorbing and completed the adventure activities. After breakfast, they packed up and indulged in free-play. Children had lunch, played indoor games and then we left the camp-site at 2.45pm. We reached school at 4.00pm
The camp was a learning experience along with a lot of fun for children. The camp-site was comfortable and food was healthy and nourishing. Activities were well planned and children were kept busy fruitfully.

Class3 | Class4 | Class5 | Class6 | Class7 | Class8 | Class9 | Class10 | Class12

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