Adventure Camps 2013

Class 6 - Camp Kyari in Corbett National Park

Day one,
As my mother dropped me at school at 5:00 a.m on Wednesday, the 20th of March, I was enveloped In a twang of mixed emotions. I was exited to be with my friends for the next 4 days but also a bit nervous to be leaving the comfort of my home. I met all my friends and then we boarded the buses,The bus journey was 8-9 hours. Midway we stopped at a Resteraunt and had something to eat. After a delicious breakfast we boarded the buses and we were of again . After a fun but tiring ride we reached a little village at where we had to get of the buses and get into jeeps. In the jeeps we went through the jungle and we saw a few deers. 20 minutes later we reached Camp Kyari, our destination. We went inside the resort, it was a beautiful place. We ate a delicious lunch. After lunch we were allotted our mud huts. We went into our huts and lay down for a while and then went for a walk around the village.
The village was surrounded by electrical wires so no animals could come in. After our walk we came back to camp tired, we had some scrumptious pakoras with hot bournvita and filled our empty stomachs. About an hour later we had a lovely diner and then went to bed exhausted.
Day two,
We woke up early in the morning got dressed and went out. My friends and I played soccer and then went for our activities, there were two groups," the pink pigs " and " Arnav Goswami ", I was in Arnav Goswami so our group had body surfing. The activity was really extraordinary and fun. We got back to our camp had breakfast and had y.o.t ( your own time)
We played more soccer, explored the camp and had our evening snacks followed by dinner and then went to bed.
Day three,
We woke up very early and went for a jungle safari, we had a memorable time spotting deers, wild boar, Samber deer etc. after the safari we stopped at a place named sitavardi where we had biscuits and enjoyed the scenery. After an hour we went back into our jeeps and went back to camp. We ate our breakfast and used up our y.o.t playing a fun game of soccer. After some time we had lunch we went for rappelling, we had to cross a river to reach the rappelling site. We had to rappel down a cliff which was 70 feet high. After a scary but fun activity we had a long swim in the river flowing by the site. We got back to the resort and had y.o.t again, but this time instead of playing soccer we all took a quick nap. When we woke up we had our evening snacks which was bournvita with the best Maggi I have ever tasted. There was a bonfire and music, we all played and danced with the music and then ate a lovely Chinese dinner and went to bed early.
Day four,
We woke up at 5 in the morning and played our usual game of soccer and volleyball . After the games we had a filling breakfast and packed our bags and got into the jeeps. The jeeps took us to where our buses were, when we reached the buses, boarded them we were sad that we were leaving. A few hours later we stopped at the same Resteraunt for lunch. After lunch we boarded the buses and we were of again. When we reach school we were all sad that camp was over but also happy to be with our families again.

6C-Rishad Luthra

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