Adventure Camps 2013

Class 7 - The Perfect Himalayan Getaway, Kandaghat near Chail

The morning before the journey was full of anxiety and anticipation. All of us reached school at 5:00am and were urging to board the buses. So we set off towards Kandaghat near Chail, eager and excited. The bus journey was achingly long and perilous and everyone was relieved when we stopped at Ambala for refreshments. At last after long hours we finally reached the campsite. After lunch we settled in our tents. Then we were given a task of balancing eight nails on a nail head. After failing, we were taught the clever method to do so. We also had a disco at night, which we all thoroughly enjoyed.
The next morning we were all groggy and sleepy but our spirits still burning strong. After breakfast, we played a number game followed by rappelling off a steep cliff. This was all very adventurous and a new experience. Lunch was followed by obstacle course comprising of a Burma bridge, Bamboo Bridge and a balancing rope bridge. We all enjoyed this and some of us even went for a second go.
The next morning we enjoyed playing a game called sheep and the shepherd. After that we did the thrilling flying fox. It was a death defying experience. Then we went back to the campsite for rock climbing. It was tough for some but this camp taught us to overcome our fears. Thereafter we played a game of throwball.
We woke up with the bittersweet taste of the ending of four marvelous days. We were not exactly looking forward to the long journey back but the beckoning call of home lured us in. Yet none of were happy that we were finally leaving...we had had the best time. After counting down the seconds and finally coming to a halt outside our school, we bid farewell to our friends and rushed into the eager and anticipated arms of our parents. These four days had some of the sweetest and most exhilarated memories we would never forget.

Aryan Sadh and Niharika Rao

Class3 | Class4 | Class5 | Class6 | Class7 | Class8 | Class9 | Class10 | Class12

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